Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas is already conducting negotiations with Israel with utmost irresponsibility.
Even inexperienced hagglers in a wholesale bazaar would display more caution. His obsequiousness toward Israel and her guardian ally, the United States, is baffling, to put it mildly.
This week, Abbas gave the Nazi-like Israeli regime two important concessions free of charge. First, he said the Palestinians wouldn't return to armed struggle against Israel irrespective of what the terrorist state does.
In an interview with a Saudi-funded newspaper, Abbas castigated Arab states that continue to advocate active resistance against the apartheid Zionist regime. He argued that armed resistance would wreak havoc on the Palestinian people and seriously undermine their national interests.
Well, opinions may differ as to the pros and cons of armed struggle, especially the question of when to fight back and when to resort to non-violent resistance. However, erasing armed struggle completely from the Palestinian national lexicon, especially in the face of unrelenting and escalating Jewish terror, would be at the very least an irresponsible act bordering on compromising Palestinian national interests.
First of all, armed resistance is an inevitable result of Zionist criminality. People living under a foreign occupation and languishing under oppression, irrespective of their culture, have an inherent right and duty to resist their tormentors. Arguing otherwise is both dishonest and unethical.
Indeed, in most cases, the very occurrence of resistance against Israel is nearly always preceded by serious acts of murder and terror by the apartheid state which practices all forms of criminality and nefarious aggression against a virtually helpless people while claiming to be a victim of terror. Resistance is made inevitable not due to the desire of the oppressed, but rather by the evilness of the oppressors.
This pornographic mendacity on the part of Israel screams to the seventh heaven. Accusing Palestinians, who are Israel's enduring and tormented victims, of incitement is very much like the Nazis accusing their victims of inciting against the Third Reich.
In short, Israel would like to see the Palestinian people raise the whit flag and succumb unconditionally to Zionism, a malignant ideology that differs little form German Nazism.
Unfortunately, we are being affronted with some Palestinian "leaders" who would go to any extent in order to accommodate Israel's morbid and whimsical demands, namely capitulation to Zio-Nazism.
True, armed or passive resistance is not a goal in itself. However, history teaches us that liberty is not given on a silver platter but earned by blood and fire.
I know of no Palestinian under the sun who wants to see his or her children die a painful death at the hands of the Nazi-like Zionists whose ultimate aim and strategy is our national demise as a people.

Besides, Israel is not Britain in India, or even the White-minority apartheid South African government. Israel is more or less a Judeo Nazi entity who would do the unthinkable including genocide, as we saw in Gaza last year, in order to preserve the integrity of the occupation.
The reason for this intrinsic evilness is Israel's sense of arrogance of power as well as the reluctance of the international community, especially the increasingly whoring American administration, to force the apartheid state to pay attention to the rule of international law.

ANOTHER vacuous statement coming from Abbas's mouth recently urged Palestinians to refrain from indulging in incitement against Zio-Nazism in general and the Israeli apartheid regime in particular?
Well, Mr. President, how are we supposed to do that? Are we supposed to conceal our pain and anguish whenever satanic Israeli bulldozers descend on our homes to blow them into smithereens? Are we supposed to view Israeli settlers and soldiers who routinely and nonchalantly murder our children, nearly on a daily basis, as angelic figures or messengers of peace and good will?
Mr. Abbas are we to give up any remaining semblance of personal and national dignity in deference to the evil ones, may their name perish and memory be erased?
Mr. Abbas, you are the head of the Palestinian Authority and leader of Fatah, and as such you are supposed to know too well that the issue of incitement as presented by the thuggish Israeli regime is first and foremost a propagandistic canard intended to cover up and divert attention from Zionist criminality against our people.
In the final analysis, how can a thoroughly oppressed people languishing under a Nazi-like military occupation really indulge in incitement against its oppressors and tormentors? Aren't we supposed to cry out for justice, for liberty? Aren't we supposed to complain? Are we children of a lesser God?
Shame on the shameless.
Hamas warns PLO against returning to negotiations
[ 08/05/2010 - 08:39 AM ]
DAMASCUS, (PIC)-- Hamas warned the PLO's executive committee of returning to "absurd negotiations" with the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) that would grant a cover for committing more crimes against the Palestinian people.
The movement in a statement on Friday urged the executive committee to stop "selling illusions to the Palestinian people and announce the failure of their gambling on absurd talks".
It said that the Oslo team was seeking indirect talks with the IOA despite the latter's rabid judaization campaign, siege of Gaza, and banishment of Palestinians from the West Bank. It also pointed out that the talks were approved at a time the American administration was incapable of committing the IOA to stop settlement activity especially in occupied Jerusalem.
Hamas called on the executive committee, which meets later on Saturday to discuss the resumption of talks with the IOA, to head to national unity on the basis of a united Palestinian program that would preserve constants and national rights.
Meanwhile, Sylvan Shalom, the Israeli first deputy premier, ruled out the success of those indirect talks.
Shalom told English-language Israeli daily Jerusalem Post published on Friday that he expected the indirect negotiators to hit a dead-end.
He explained that no Palestinian leader would accept less than what late PA chief Yasser Arafat had refused in Campo David ten years ago and no Israeli premier would propose more than what was proposed in Camp David.
River to Sea
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