Jassem Boudy - Al-Rai Kuwaiti daily (Translated) Readers
When you shake hands with Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah and see him smiling, you forget all the difficulties you faced to meet him. He hugs you asking about your personal state and your country's situation as if he didn't one detail or one word of our last meeting which took place four years ago.
He reviews with you the major changes and developments and hopes that you can be frank with him saying all what you think and see whether right or wrong.
This is the man who occupied all people, the man who militarily and morally defeated the Israelis. This is the man who changed the balances on the ground, starting with the victory on the panic, dismay, weakness and hesitation within us. This is the man whose tone implies that he wishes being exempted from fighting on the other political and security fronts, but at the same time who controls all his movements internally and externally according to the timing of the southern arena and who doesn't hesitate to withdraw or to calm down in order to safeguard the real front.
In an unknown place, I met him… He put his hand on my chest, asking: "How's the heart now?" His dignity and solemnity precedes his presence and his smile precedes his shaking and his man precedes his friendliness and sincere affection, spreading a comfort in the place and a confidence in the time. His mentality was stronger than ever and his activity better and his mood even greater… just as if the eternal and continuous and secret confrontations with Israel boost him more and more…
As far as the fence of his prohibited topic increases especially in the Israeli file to the degree of sanctities, he becomes more open to the other opinion and dialogue and criticism and review concerning all items… from Beirut to Cairo. You feel that he hates the necessity sometimes but resorts to it to protect the "path of the Mujahideen" or even under the umbrella of the "last medicament."
He feels pain to all those who fall in the wrong arena and in the wrong way, perceiving that infighting weakens weapons, internal strife paralyzes arms and internal fighting wipes out weapons.
He dreams that a confrontation scheme against Israel would be the national and confessional identity of Lebanon. He dreams that his scope becomes wider at the Lebanese and Arab levels, not that it decreases at the levels of the sects and regions.
He dreams… and knows that there are difficulties preventing it. What hinder it are the capabilities, differences, stances and principles. Yet, he doesn't retract and doesn't surrender to boredom. All sacrifices are easy for him vis-à-vis the land, dignity and religion given that he even offered his own son, Hadi, who was honored by martyrdom.
Talking about Hadi is something else. The eye shines with lightning of sadness combines with glory and pride, reflecting another picture of the Resistance and Liberation Sayyed… the picture of the horseman who bends the body of his martyr and washes him with tears of eagerness and then faces media with the stature of the victorious…
Yes, the Sayyed won't give Israeli a pictures that could raise the morale of its defeated soldiers…
He asks me about Kuwait and Kuwaitis from the perspective of the informed. His heart is with the special and exclusive experience and his eye on the sedition schemes. He calls on Shiites and Sunnis to look upon the state as their authority and to put the government scheme before them.
With his eminence, the cup of tea has a special taste and flavor. It's always filled with things, some of which can be published and the remaining remains secret. You feel how much he desires to make direct meetings with the people, more communication with his small family and his bigger one, how much he'd love to share moments with the Mujahideen and to pray in Al-Quds.
The cup of tea becomes empty because the Sayyed's preoccupations are too many. However, words are endless. Yet, the upcoming developments started to emerge as Abu Hadi is promising us with a lot… but this time in the battlefields!
River to Sea
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