May 6, 2010 ·
They argue that even if the Zionist entity attack Iran – Tehran will consider it an attack by United States, which is obvious because Tel Aviv has never waged a war without receiving a green light from Washington. Joe Biden, US vice-president told Benjamin Natyanhu during his recent vist that US and Israel are inseparable twins.
Last month, Elliot Abrahams (convicted for lying to Congress – now he is a senior fellow with the powerful Jewish think tank, CFR), said at the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) luncheon which was addressed by 30 lawmakers: “I believe Israel will act (attack Iran), and I hope the US will”. Interestingly, another espionage convict, Steve Rosen, who was fired by the Israel Lobby (AIPAC) in 2005 and now work with Islamophobe Daniel Pipes - told the ZOA: “The US would be more efficient than Israel at suppressing Iran. We have to have the ability to stare directly into the light bulb (nuclear mushroom)”.
According to the Jewish Journal (April 22, 2010) – the ZOA statement “urged the necessity of military action should peaceful, diplomatic measures fail to stop Iran’s drive to obtain a nuclear weapons capability”. The statement also called for the suspension of assistance for the Palestinian Authority (but not the Zionist aggressor) until it ends incitement, outlaw terrorist groups and confiscate illegal weapons”.
Does Barack Obama got the gutts to stand up to these foreign agents? Michael A.
Hoffman in a recent interview with young Iranian journalist, Kourosh Ziabari, showed his pessimism of Obama: “If any president of the United States were to pass up paying obeisance to the Israeli lobby and its numerous front groups, he would be the target of relentless opprobrium in the media and very likely driven from office, unless he was an absolutely remarkable leader who called on God to assist him against the onslaught. Since God is all-powerful, a president who was doing the will of God could prevail against the Israeli lobby in America. But otherwise, that U.S. president would be defeated for reelection and might cause his party to be defeated in the Congressional and gubernatorial elections”.
A document from Harry S. Truman Library and Museum proves that the Zionist regime for which Washington have been invaded Muslim nation-states – was not recognized by the US administration in 1948 as “Jewish State” and its government was recognized just a ”Provisional” one.
Former US Presidential contender and speechwriter for Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew, Pat Buchanan (born 1838) in his interview with RT mentioned that Iran sanctions pave the way to new war US can’t afford (watch the video below).
River to Sea
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