Via kenny's sideshow
Pulaski Tennessee played host Sunday to a Aryan Nations rally where the media and FBI agents outnumbered supporters.
Pulaski just so happens to be the birthplace of the Ku Klux Klan
so these groups love to put on a show in their 'Jerusalem.'
I don't have proof about this particular Aryan Nations clan but aren't most of these swastika waving 'Christian' groups infiltrated by the FBI? And doesn't the ADL absolutely revel in this kind of thing and use it to promote its own zionist racist agenda? The media gets a kick out of it as it gives them something to stir us up about besides the local Muslim mosque debatewith its hate speech and political pandering .
I don't have anything against white pride, black pride or whatever other kind of pride folks have as long as it doesn't divide we Americans even more than we already are. Notice how it's almost every other story in the 'news' that tries to tell us that our nation indivisible is not very together. It's one of the oldest tricks in the book. We divide ... they conquer.
Speaking of swastikas ... go over to nobody's place
and take a look at a humorous take on the over seven thousand year old symbol. It was odd that as I was reading nobody's post the 'news' had the below video report. A sort of synchronicity moment.
River to Sea
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