Monday, 28 February 2011


This amazing event took place in Tahrir Square in celebration of the departure of Mubark where two million people gathered and prayed together. The prayer was lead by the Islamic scholar Yussuf Al-Qaradawi

And this is how this magnificent event was described by Amira Hass in the Haaretz

"Those who stayed home could see and hear the Islamic scholar Sheikh Yussuf al-Qardawi give the Friday sermon from the square's southern stage, after 30 years in exile. Those close enough to the stage could hear him. But most of those who came to pray in the square created small groups of their own. {{{ as you can see in the video link above !!! }}} One demonstrator commented that the Muslim Brotherhood was striving for prominence now because during the revolution, it proved to have fewer followers than Egyptians had been to taught to fear"


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