Upon the instructions of Feltman, the Lebanese army resumed the task of securing the lebanse borders with Israel.
Consequently, the Palestinians in Lebanon, cancelled the Naksa march, and cellebrated the event in their besieged camps.
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Local Editor | |
Shops were closed in Lebanon's 12 Palestinian refugee camps, where black flags of mourning were hoisted, as the Lebanese army reinforced its presence, particularly in the south. Lebanese soldiers manned roadblocks on roads to the border. Lebanese and Palestinian activists had planned to protest at the border with the Palestinian occupied territories but the army banned any gatherings at the frontier. Several protesters tried to stage a rally in the southern village of Adaisseh near the Lebanese-Palestinian border. However, police and soldiers quickly disperse them. Al-Manar correspondent in the south reported that the army arrest 14 Lebanese citizens and two Palestinians. The army asked the protesters to leave the area, the correspondent added. During the Six-Day War, Israel seized Sinai, which it returned to Egypt in 1982, Syria's Golan Heights, the West Bank including east Al-Quds, and the Gaza Strip. |
Yesterday, Mahmoud Abbas welcomed a proposal by France to resume peace talks with Israel,
And yesterday, the Egyptian military councel decided to close Rafah crossing. Looks like Tantawi, and his Brothers failed to domaticate Hamas. Bye, Bye Palestinian reconciliation.
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Local Editor | |
Nimr Hammad, a political advisor to Abbas, said the president had told French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe that he agreed officially to France's proposal to host a “peace” conference in Paris before the end of July. "President Abbas told Foreign Minister Juppe that he agrees officially to the French initiative of holding an international peace conference in Paris," Hammad told AFP news agency. Abbas insisted that participation be “conditioned” on using the lines which existed before the 1967 Six-Day War as the basis for negotiating future borders, Hammad said. "In order to start negotiations, their basis must be ending the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land occupied since 1967, and the borders of the state will be determined on this basis with land swaps agreed by both the Israeli and Palestinian sides", he said. Meanwhile, and as the PA Chief said he was ready to attend the conference, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that the Zionist entity was “studying” the French proposal. "I heard the proposal brought by French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe," Netanyahu told media at the beginning of a weekly meeting of his cabinet. "We very much appreciate our French friends and I will respond to them after we have considered matters. We will study the proposal and discuss it with our American friends as well." Netanyahu also added he would not consider resuming negotiations with any Palestinians government that includes the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, which last month signed a unity deal with the Fatah movement of Abbas. "We would also like to emphasize and reiterate: Negotiations will not be conducted with a Palestinian government, half of which is Hamas, a terrorist organization that seeks to destroy Israel," Netanyahu said. After meeting Prime Minister in Fatah government, Salam Fayyad, in Ramallah on Thursday, Juppe said France was willing to transform a scheduled meeting of international donors into a broader “peace” conference to help prelaunch stalled negotiations. |
Six Martyred, Dozens injured in Naksa Day Marches
Local Editor | |
Israeli occupation forces killed at least six people and injured dozens others as hundreds of protesters marched on Sunday, at the Syrian border with the Palestinian occupied territories in Golan Heights, marking Naksa day. Al-Manar TV correspondent in Quneitra area in Golan Heights, Anass Azrak reported there were at least six martyrs. Azrak said that at least hundred protesters were injured. Palestinian and Syrian protesters head to the border with occupied territories in Golan Heights on Naksa Day (The Day of Defeat) to mark the 44th anniversary of the beginning of Israel's 1967 Six-Day War against Arabs. The Syrian TV showed footage of Israeli soldiers on top of a tank opening fire on the protesters. Live footages broadcast on Syrian TV and Al-Jazeera also showed heavy gunfire along the Golan Heights border and protesters carrying wounded people away. WEST BANK RALIES Al-Manar correspondent Deeb Hourani reported that at least 90 protesters were wounded as Israeli occupation forces fired rubber bullets and tear gas. The Protesters were hoisting signs reading "A million shahids are marching in Al-Quds," "The people want end to occupation," and "occupation is illegal.” ISRAEL ON HIGH ALERT Israeli media outlets reported on Sunday that occupation forces were on high alert for fear of any attempt by protesters to cross the border. Israeli Daily, Haaretz, said that Northern Command of occupation forces was “on high alert this morning ahead of a possible attempt by thousands of Palestinian refugees from the Damascus area to storm the border of the Golan Heights as a way of marking Naksa Day”. It added that the Central Command and the Southern Command also declared high alert in case protesters in West Bank and Gaza Strip respectively took to streets marking the event. However, the daily said that the “northern border seems the most likely area for clashes”. |
[ 05/06/2011 - 05:05 PM ] WEST BANK, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) used violent means to disperse peaceful Palestinian demonstrations on Sunday including rubber bullets, stun grenades, and teargas canisters. Palestinian sources said that five citizens were hospitalized with gunshot wounds while 40 others were treated for breathing difficulty near Qalandia roadblock north of occupied Jerusalem. They said that the IOF soldiers assaulted a number of Palestinian figures and foreign solidarity activists who participated in the march. Hundreds of Palestinians took part in the march to mark the Naksa or the defeat of Arab armies in 1967 and the consequent Israeli occupation of eastern Jerusalem, West Bank, and Gaza Strip in addition to other Arab lands. In a similar incident, Palestinians organized a march in Deir Al-Hatab village east of Nablus on the same occasion and to protest Israeli confiscation of their land. Local sources said that many young men were treated for breathing problems due to the IOF soldiers’ use of tear gas to disperse the demonstrators while nearby plantations were seen on fire. ++++++++++++++++++++++ |
Three Martyrs, Nine Injured in Israeli Attack against Syrian and Palestinian citizens in Occupied Syrian Golan |
Jun 05, 2011 |
<><><><><><><><><>QUNEITRA, (SANA)-<> An Israeli attack on scores of the Syrian and Palestinian youths, who gathered Sunday close to the occupied Syrian Golan borders on the anniversary of June Naksa (Setback), left 3 martyrs and dozens of injuries. <>
All the young men were exposed to direct fire by the Israeli forces in the breast and other parts of the body. According to Director of Martyr Mamdouh Abaza Hospital in Quneitera Dr, Ali Kanaan, the hospital has so far received the bodies of three martyrs; Mahmoud Awad al-Sawan, 19 years old, who was martyred by a bullet in breast, martyr Ahmad al-Said, 29 years old, who was shot in head and martyr Majdi Zeidan, 22 years old. | |
The number of the injured exceeded 35, including 4 young men in critical condition, said Dr. Kanaan. "Surgical operations are conducted to two youths whose conditions are critical,", Dr. Kanaan added, asserting that all the young men were exposed to live bullets by the Israeli forces close to the occupied Syrian Golan borders. SANA correspondent said "the Israeli occupation forces used live bullets and tear gas bombs against the young men who want to return to their occupied lands." A young man said "They fired against us but we are determined to return .. Either we martyr or we return to our occupied lands." Another young man said "It is our natural and legitimate right .. We will not accept that our lands to remain occupied.. We will continue offering convoys of martyrs until liberation". SANA Correspondent in Quneitra reported that the Israeli soldiers are firing intensively at scores of Syrian and Palestinians youths who continue in their attempts to cross the barbed wire into the occupied Syrian Golan from various areas opposite to the occupied Majdal Shams village. English Bulletin |
Popular Commission for the Liberation of Golan Stresses Determination to Return Jun 05, 2011 | |
DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Popular Commission for the Liberation of Golan on Saturday stressed determination to return and continue the liberation process. In a statement marking the 44th anniversary of "al-Naksa Day", the Commission added "the conspiracy against Syria targets undermining its stability and security in an attempt to separate Syria from the Arab resistance through preoccupying with an internal affair." The statement indicated to the Zionist entity and its inhuman practices of forcing the people of Golan to leave their lands and destroying towns and farms which stress Israel's racism and inhumanity. The Commission stressed the Golan people's support to the reform program under the leadership of President Bahar al-Assad, expressing faith in Syria's resistant policy and the certainty of victory. The statement pointed out that the Naksa Day anniversary should be a motive for exerting more effort to continue the struggle to end the Zionist project and return to Golan. The Commission saluted people in the Occupied Golan and the captives in the occupation jails. |
Israeli army on full alert in anticipation of Arab border demos
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Meanwhile on the other Syria fronts
River to Sea
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