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Nader Ezzeddine The narrated tales have been endless; even the data recognized by UN International Independent Investigation Commission (UNIIIC) have been nothing but narrations by concocted witnesses meant to mislead the investigation as it was admitted by not only the Committee itself but also by the closest legal avenger of blood as well. In the mounting wave of tales put forward, people have forgotten many of the events that followed the assassination. One of those events was that many foreign committees had already examined the location of the blast, collected evidence, and announced their conclusions before the Lebanese heard the name of Detlev Mehlis. One of the most important occurrences which have some people wanted to have it vanish and be forgotten is the accusation made by Al-Mustaqbal Party movement media against the U.S.A. and Israel upon the assassination of PM Hariri. The readers might be surprised by our talk and Al-Mustaqbal Party supporters will accuse us of distorting and falsifying things. However, what is to be presented in this report is never an article by a Hezbollah media means or by any of its supporters or even any of those close to it. It is some of what had been stated on "Al-Sharq" newspaper affiliated directly with Al-Hariri media. Maybe the question reigning your thinking while reading this report will be: What has changed in the past 6 years that made of Hezbollah accused of assassinating Rafiq Al-Hariri?
Germany and Sweden arrive at stunning results! "Al-Sharq" continues: "On another line, a group of German and Swedish specialized companies in "securing protection for private cars with anti-blast armored plating" was conducting emergency discussion sessions in Frankfurt, Germany. The group was focusing on studying live samples of the soil, scraps of metal from the incinerated cars, other debris electronic devices from Al-Hariri's car, a Mercedes, in addition samples from other cars accompanying him along with other cars which had been parked within the circumference of the scene. The discussion studied the reasons that had caused the failure and the malfunction of the systems installed on the private security car accompanying Al-Hariri's motorcade for the purpose of preventing the blast, delaying it till he and the motorcade would completely pass through, or jamming the explosive devices so the safety of the passengers in Al-Hariri's car and the motorcade would be protected." Al-Hariri was murdered with "enriched Uranium" used by the U.S.A. in Iraq: Al-Mossad transferred the explosives from Iraq to Israel: "Al-Sharq" paper continues in its report and says:" Certain websites accurately following the topic have reported that several military experts affiliated with the United Nations who had been deployed in Iraq indicated that the International Committee has "a huge file about the topic"… and that experts from the United Nations had found quantities of this explosive material in Iraq where they seized it and then isolated it….. However, those claimed that after the American forces occupied Iraq, the explosives disappeared!" The expert proceeds "it is rather possible that the American forces could have handed over those quantities to the Israeli Mossad officers who accompanied those American forces in Iraq and that they later swiftly and confidentially transferred them to Israel." The cars in the motorcade melted but did not get torn apart: A What makes those results rather probable are "the experts and the witnesses who reported that one of the armored cars in the motorcade was not torn out; and had it been a TNT, C-4 blast, or similar explosives, the cars would have got torn out differently and would have been thrown away, yet the armored cars got melted down due to the resulting severe high temperature of the fire and the force of the blast." As for whether there were any defects in the armoring process of the cars, the expert reports that an expert representative of the specialized German Swedish companies in armoring cars and their protection says," PM Al-Hariri car he was driving and the similar cars in the motorcade were designed to encounter missile attacks and not to be affected by landmines no matter what force or effect they have." The protection systems were not effective, and the detonation device is not available in the market: "Al-Sharq" asks about the exceedingly highly sophisticated electronic interference devices installed on Al-Hariri's cars! The specialized expert specialized in security and protection confirms that "the preliminary reports on whether the verbal, the photographed, or the proven evidence which got to the German and the Swedish companies indicate that none of the protection systems belonging to the motorcade was active" and that the armored cars with Swedish steel" melted down as if they had been soft drink cans" and he concluded by saying " The detonation device used was of the extremely sophisticated type, and it is not available in the international market." The expert adds, "in addition, the size of the explosive is estimated to be not more than the size of a tissue paper box." Targeting Syria to rid of Hezbollah before striking Iran The paper answers the question it proposed itself and says:" Intelligence Review" the American magazine says in its issue released on 25/2/2005 that the assassination of Al-Hariri was an act with extraordinary planning and execution so that it would unleash a series of interactive events in the region; it targeted the achievement of a steadfast political doctrine among the new conservatives running the White House for years now… The ultimate goal is a new Middle East where Israel would be the dominating power. The beginning was supposed to be Iran (after Iraq), but Syria was advanced to the top of the list instead, in order to uproot Hezbollah and to neutralize Syria before directing any strike to Iran." With this conclusion constructed on specific facts "Al-Sharq" paper which is affiliated with Al-Mustaqbal Party concludes its report. After all what has been presented it our right to be amazed, especially that, as we mentioned previously, the date of issuing this report was prior to March 8th and March 14th by few days, that is prior to the mass protest of "Loyalty to Syria" and subsequently before his eminence Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah accused Israel of the assassination, and even before the mass protest on the 14th of March when Syria was accused along with its allies. The point that urges us to ask: Since Al-Mustaqbal Party was aware of those occurrences they proposed themselves on the pages of their own media means, why was the Ministry headed by PM Omar Karami toppled? Why was Syria accused of Al-Hariri assassination? Why were the four generals imprisoned? Why was the motto "Never vote for the killers of Rafiq Al-Hariri," hoisted during the parliamentary elections? Why did whoever accused Israel of assassinating AL-Hariri become accused of the assassination himself? Why has Lebanon been thrown in the mess of dissension since 2005 till today? Why has the evidence provided by his eminence Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah regarding the involvement of Israel in the assassination been refused? The self-questioning never ends, yet at last and never the least, we put forward this question for all: What has made the change take place after 6 years that Hezbollah has become the accused of assassinating Rafic Al-Hariri now? | ||||
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