The short answer to the above question is the Zionists took over the American government. Zionism and values like humanity and basic decency are incompatible. When the Zionists arrived on the scene, one or the other had to go, and of course it had to be the values. In this video a former prisoner of the U.S. tells of being waterboarded, subjected to electro-shocks, and more, both in Guantanamo and at Kandahar in Afghanistan. One of the more revealing disclosures in the interview comes when Mr. Kurnaz, the former Gitmo detainee, discusses the punishment meted out to him for giving food to an iguana. "I am a person who loves animals," he tells the interviewer. "In Guantanamo are many kinds of animals which I have never seen in my life except on the TV." He goes on to describe how one day a guard observed him hiding a piece of bread for purpose of giving it to the iguanas that would routinely come up to the fence. For his trouble Mr. Kurnaz spent the next thirty days in isolation in a darkened cell.
What are we to make of such a story? What are we to make not only of the individual camp guard but of the leaders of America who allow this to continue? The message conveyed is that all traces of humanity must be stamped out. Feelings of compassion cannot and will not be felt—not for an iguana, and certainly not for the people coming under our bombs, drones, and missiles. This is what the Zionist takeover of America has led us to. A complete, total purging of ethics and conscience. But, you may protest, there were atrocities committed in Vietnam too. True. There were. But the American people, by and large, were unaware of them. And when news of, say for instance, the My Lai massacre finally did come out, the public response was widespread revulsion and outrage. And of course millions of people protesting in the streets.
Now we have tortures and massacres on a daily basis, and the response is barely more than a yawn. And this is the difference. In the 44 years since the bombing of the USS Liberty, we have undergone a day-by-day hemorrhaging of our national integrity. This was probably inevitable once AIPAC got its parasitic tentacles around us, but the result is that today the U.S. and Israel have become hideous mirror images of each other. We are two grossly deformed twins, joined at the hip, each with its own identical picture of Dorian Gray hidden in the closet. I read with interest that Anders Behring Breivik, the man charged in the recent terrorist attacks in Norway, sees himself as fighting a battle to preserve "Christendom"—not from Zionists, mind you, who of course detest Christianity, spit on priests, and spurn just about every teaching laid out in the Sermon on the Mount—but rather from Muslims, who regard the historical figure Jesus with reverence. How ironic.
River to Sea
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