Once again the President of Syria honored us with his presence and speech . We were in front of a decent, sincere , transparent speech for the celebration of Syria’s independent day. All this , while Syria is facing another colonialist invasion as the honorable President said – adding that it is not eno…ugh to have foreign forces withdraw but a country should also grow autonomous and strong .
It is because of its geopolitical importance that Syria is being targeted and because of its genuine support of the Palestinian Cause . In this assault, Turkey played a very big role and Erdugan , starting by fooling people that he was supporting the Palestinian cause and then exceeding all limits in interfering with Syria, and now Turks cannot retract anymore , it has become a matter of life and death for them and they have to keep on going .
All kind of armed gangs have been introduced to Syria from foreign countries and they are all the same and think the same but all factions- after receiving a serious blow- have joined the Al Qa’ida now and they are fighting under its banner in spite of them ; so. Basically, right now, the Syrian army is in confrontation with al Qa’ida.
Answering a question about the sectarian and religious conflicts prevailing in Syria, the President said: everything depends on the awareness of the people . The enemies have tried to stir these differences in our society ; in people whose commitment to the country is weak but after bombarding people with all sorts of media and internet brainwash they could not succeed . The people were stronger and the Syrians are a great people because of this; because they were able to resist all these campaigns . The situation is much better now than before and the virus that does not kill will bring immunity and strength to the body.
Answering another question about some spots n-in Syria- being under the complete control of the thugs, the President said that this is an unusual war where we are not trying to liberate the land but we are trying to overcome the fighters and kill the greatest number of them and this requires a different strategy from what the occupation by an invader requires . And also the human factor has to be taken into consideration and has the priority , it is human safety we are concerned with along with the overcoming of thugs .We have military and safety priorities that we have to work with which make us sometimes defer some battles but there is not one place that we are unable to retrieve . For this reason there are no buffer zones , just military tactics and strategies that make the army operate in one place before another ; therefore there are no partition or isolated spots.
As for the threat of partition along religious or sectarian lines this is not serious- said the President – but part of the psychological war that wants to tell Syrians that you are unable to live together as a country and a nation, and therefore to consecrate these difference and make the Syrian people suffer a virtual defeat , but this did not work. The forces of coexistence were stronger.
About the Kurdish issue whereby Erdugan has promised the Kurds an independent entity if they stand by him , the President said that Erdugan will sacrifice the whole of Turkey for his personal gain , but the Kurds in Syria have always proved their commitment to their country and many martyrs who fell in the defense of Syria were Kurds and I learned this from them , they told me they are parents of a martyr and they are Kurds . Some of the Kurds have been used for inimical purposes but they are few , the majority of the Kurds are loyal to Syria and have been around for thousands of years and Syria never persecuted them. Erdugan has an internal and external problem and while he started up with the zero problem theory , he ended up with zero friends and zero morals and is using now the Kurds to solve
his internal problem but Kurds do not trust him .
River to Sea
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