Now that the bells of return are ringing and when Israel has become weaker than a spider’s web, when it has become exposed and defeated , it is not time that Palestinians turn their backs to the doors that have opened to them after more than 60 years . The great sacrifices will not be wasted and the martyrs are still alive and their voices heard and the Arab and Muslim nations are… waiting and – with them – all the freedom fighters of the world .
Therefore, let the compasses be adjusted and the right direction taken and the right path trodden . Let all the NGOs be put to shame and the infiltrated BDS and the fruitless barren functions of fake activists and fake activism who have endorsed the cause to promise liberation and emancipation by proxy..
Let the cause be restored to its truth and originality , let is be undertaken by those to whom it belongs and who are an intrinsic part of it . Let it be loved and defended against all odds by its children and brothers and sisters. . It has been too long and Palestinians have become estranged to their own cause and to their own selves because so much effort has been exerted to sway them and push them in the other direction, where the benefit of the usurping state lies, and with it that of its rogue allies .
So much money spent to push Palestinians to utter sectarianism, and to fruitless void activism, to recognition and corruption and collaboration . All these traps have been set up by the world order and its stooges, and affiliated NGOS, and fake boycott movements to make the Palestinians forsake their cause , the most human of causes and the most encompassing .
All organizations have failed and have fallen ; but we are almost there.. . Let us get our act together . This thing , the liberation of Palestine is possible and feasible and Israel cannot last . Now the front of the Golan heights has opened in front of the Resistance fighters, and the Golan heights shall be liberated and Palestine also . Let all the weapons be redirected and the wills be reoriented towards the enemy of all who has already been defeated .
Let the Palestinians shed away all these conspiracies and complications and fake engagements .We are almost there. This path , that of the Resistance is the way and the only way and has been experienced and proved worthy of all efforts and crowned with success and those who engage in it will be rewarded with success and joy .This is the truth that has been tested on the ground despite the enemy’s plots . LONG LIVE THE RESISTANCE!
River to Sea
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