Erdugan, failed to get a share in Iraq, and with fall of Hariri's govenment, he lost his dream to get a share in lebanon's cake. Consequently, his last hope to be "a would-be “leader” was in Syria, his "backyard", where his Syrian Muslem brothers are ready.
According to the Authors,"Turkey failed because Assad knows both the dreadful price of looking weak and that Iran will support him"
Yes, Assad as a member of the axis of resistance, who worked for years to get Turkey in the axis of restance, knows the dreadful price of surrendering to Erdugan's blackmailing, and the consequences of letting Erdgan succeed in adding Syria to "His Own Glass House".
Via Syria Erdugan would be a main player in both Lebanon and Iraq, and would save his chance to stay "a would-be “leader”" of the new middle east. He failed and betrayed his Syrian brothers who called him a "coward".
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طلع لا مع ستو بخير ولا مع سيدو بخير |
His Syrian adventure closed his gate to Arab world, and his Irani gate gate to Assia, consequently, he tried his luck in Eqypt, and heard the same advise even from his Egyptians brothers: Welcome, but mind your business.
In the final analysis, our LOST Erdugan after losing Nato's vacancy for "a would be ME leader, still has the chance to join the axis of resistance, to save his chance to stay "a would be leader for Turkey" in next elections
In case you missed it:
- Khalid Amayreh's Open letter to Erdogan : say "NO" to Israel 's new solicitations
- After Egypt Pharaouh, the Turkish Sultan tries to domasticate Hamas
- Is Erdogan worried about Strategic Relationship with Syria? He should
Erdogan Should Mind His Own Glass House
By Hillel Fradkin & Lewis LibbyTwo weeks ago, Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan visited Egypt, Tunisia and Libya on what was dubbed his “Arab Spring Tour.” With a growing economy, a strong regional military and three successive electoral pluralities (the most recent this past June), Erdogan enjoys greater legitimacy than any other Middle Eastern Muslim ruler. He designed his Arab Tour to bolster his claim to lead the Middle East. But Erdogan also needed his tour to obscure his recent record of regional failures, failures from which he badly needs to recover.
Outwardly, the tour appeared to succeed. Erdogan’s airport arrivals won him “rock star” treatment, and he even addressed the Arab League – the first non-Arab afforded that distinction. Arab Spring activists, worried that hold-over militaries might yet derail their revolutions, marveled at Erdogan’s ability to reassert Islamism and, most recently, his success in bringing Turkey’s generals to heel. But his greatest appeal sprang from his vociferous attacks on Israel, which he threatened with naval war, and the West, whom he accused of seeking to exploit Libya’s wealth. By contrast, he cited Turkey as a long and selfless friend. Here was a man, he would have people say, willing to confront Israel like a Nasser, willing to lead like an Ottoman.
Heady stuff, but in fact Erdogan’s foreign policy is in shambles. The Arab Spring, which often cites approvingly Turkey’s domestic model, has also presented the Turkish prime minister with his first serious tests. And Erdogan has stumbled badly.
But it is in Syria that Erdogan has suffered his most serious setbacks. He had once loudly advertised a regional foreign policy of “zero problems with neighbors"; helped create an EU-like free trade and travel zone with Syria, Iraq and Iran; and backed Syria’s President Assad and Iran’s rulers in their quarrels with the West, even seeking to shield Iran’s nuclear program. But today, Turkey staggers under problems with Syria, Iraq and Iran. Worse yet, Erdogan has appeared ineffective. The Syrian crisis is the proximate cause, but Erdogan’s problems run deeper still.
Bombing PKK camps in Northern Iraq, killing Iraqi civilians, |
Nonplussed, Assad has repeatedly rejected Turkish demands, despite Turkish sputtering that its “patience” was running out. Once, Turkey’s foreign minister proudly announced he had persuaded Syria to withdraw tanks from a siege, only to see the tanks return hours later. Turkey looked the fool.

Turkey failed because Assad knows both the dreadful price of looking weak and that Iran will support him. Herein lies the deeper cause of Erdogan’s failures in Syria: Iran also seeks to lead the region. For that, it needs its
For the moment, and for so long as Assad stands, the region will see Iran as winning. As long as Iran continues work on its nuclear program, time works against Erdogan. This is what lay behind Turkey’s recent decision to accept installation of a U.S. radar
Against this background, Erdogan launched his Arab Spring tour, expelled the Israeli Ambassador and threatened naval war with Israel. He sought to shift the focus to those Arab and largely Sunni lands where his strengths lay; but his liabilities lurk still. Arab League dignitaries in the audience were enraptured by Erdogan’s denunciations of Israel, but others - the Egyptian military included – do not relish where this may lead. And the League’s serious business that day was Syria, about which Erdogan sat silent. As he left the hall, Syrian exiles called him “coward.”
Indeed, some in the Turkish opposition have begun to denounce Erdogan’s morally hypocritical “glass house.” They ridicule his government’s travels as motion without results. They deride his vanity, a man given to delivering moral sermons whose tests he fails - ironic commentary on the man who still holds with pride the Gaddafi prize for human rights.
Erdogan’s broader international standing slides, too. The UN Palmer Report criticized his support for Turkish ships attempting last spring to run
For a would-be leader of the new Middle East,
It would be nice to suppose that Turkey’s inherent strengths, its past moderation and the apparent political and moral limits to Erdogan’s regional influence might soon turn him to a more sober course. After all, a would-be “leader” must eventually show results more substantial than applause.
River to Sea
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