Wednesday, 14 October 2009



October 14, 2009 at 4:30 pm (Corrupt Politics, Israel, Racism)

Racism Ruins Lives logo

Those words were NOT actually said, but they might have well have been. Racism in Israel has come full circle with the following attitude towards the children of foreign workers…

Allowing these children to stay in Israel “is liable to damage the state’s Jewish identity, constitute a demographic threat and increase the danger of assimilation.

During a conversation with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, Yishai warned that if the cabinet rejects his demand that children of foreign workers not be given residency or citizenship in Israel, he will abdicate responsibility for the Immigration Authority, which is currently in his ministry’s purview, to the Prime Minister’s Office, and foment a coalition crisis to boot.

The report this is taken from can be read HERE

So, now what remains to be seen is how racist Israel really is….. should be an interesting outcome.

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