From I4P

You've just lost the Right of Return folks!!
The brilliant negotiator and head idiot Abbas has sold you out before even getting to the table.
First rule of negotiations, begin from a position of power, not a position of weakness! You NEVER come to the table showing you are already willing to give everything away! What's left to bargain with? NO more resistance, that's now out according to Abbas, NO Right of Return, that's now negotiable, according to Abbas, NO claiming a Palestinian state without Israel's approval, that's gone according to Abbas.
Palestinians are about to be screwed by one of their own. I feel so sorry for Palestinians who are about to read this utter rubbish coming from Abbas' corrupt American/Israeli owned mouth. There is a name for someone like him, it begins with the letter "T" for Traitor and "M" for Moron. Some of what this man said is absolutely outrageous, like this:
LINK 'I want to work with Netanyahu' Regarding the 'Law of Return' for Palestinians refugees, the PA leader hinted that he was not asking for an influx of Palestinians into Israel, merely saying, "The Road Map stipulates a 'just solution,' so let's just say, I want a "just solution.'"Explain this??? Nothing TO explain, just throw away those keys, you ain't going back ever again. Abbas has just effectively stated that he's willing to trade away your right of return. Now go have a nice day in your refugee camp all you uprooted Palestinians! There's more Abbas insanity:
He expressed confidence at being able to "explain" the agreed-upon solution to the refugee issue to the Palestinian people.
"Try me," Abbas told (Israeli) Channel 2. "I say on behalf of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, that we are prepared for an agreement."Sorry, but WTF??? His DUTY to work with him, when his IDF killers just crossed into Palestine (Abba's supposed country) today and murdered a man? When they have stolen most of East Jerusalem (and continue to do so) and passed a law to deport Palestinians from the West Bank by the thousands? When hundreds of Palestinians are interned without trial in Zionist jails? As a Palestinian, Abbas' "DUTY" is to represent ALL the Palestinian people and THEIR best interests, NOT America or Israel's best interest. You NEVER come to the table showing you are already willing to give everything away! What's left to bargain with? No more resistance, that's now out accoriding to Abbas, no Right of Return, that's now negotiable, according to Abbas, no claiming a Palestinian state without Israel's approval, that's gone accoridng to Abbas. Dear God in Heaven he's lost his mind, sadly there's more grovelling and caving to come:
Stressing that Netanyahu was the prime minister "chosen by the Israeli people and elected by the Knesset," Abbas said that on that basis, it was his "duty to work with him."
Concerning recent calls for renewed Palestinian resistance in the West Bank, Abbas said he did "not want demonstrations that deteriorate into violence."So shut up and sit down all you uprooted Palestinians you won't be protesting in the West Bank anymore. Abbas has done the deal, sold you down the river, soon all you who resist will be deported to Gaza using the new "Israeli Laws" pack your bags people. And the final insult:
Abbas played down PA Prime Minister Salaam Fayyad's stated intention to declare a Palestinian state in 2011, saying, "There will be no unilateral moves, we want an agreement."
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