By Jonathan Cook
Below is the text of a talk delivered to the fifth Bilin international conference for Palestinian popular resistance, held in the West Bank village of Bilin on April 21.
Israel’s apologists are very exercised about the idea that Israel has been singled out for special scrutiny and criticism. I wish to argue, however, that in most discussions of Israel it actually gets off extremely lightly: that many features of the Israeli polity would be considered exceptional or extraordinary in any other democratic state.
That is not surprising because, as I will argue, Israel is neither a liberal democracy nor even a “Jewish and democratic state”, as its supporters claim. It is an apartheid state, not only in the occupied territories of the West Bank and Gaza, but also inside Israel proper. Today, in the occupied territories, the apartheid nature of Israeli rule is irrefutable -- if little mentioned by Western politicians or the media. But inside Israel itself, it is largely veiled and hidden. My purpose today is to try to remove the veil a little.
I say “a little”, because I would need far more than the time allotted to me to do justice to this topic. There are, for example, some 30 laws that explicitly discriminate between Jews and non-Jews -- another way of referring to the fifth of the Israeli population who are Palestinian and supposedly enjoy full citizenship. There are also many other Israeli laws and administrative practices that lead to an outcome of ethnic-based segregation even if they do not make such discrimination explicit.
So instead of trying to rush through all these aspects of Israeli apartheid, let me concentrate instead on a few revealing features, issues I have reported on recently.
First, let us examine the nature of Israeli citizenship.
A few weeks ago I met Uzi Ornan, an 86-year-old professor from the Technion university in Haifa, who has one of the few ID cards in Israel stating a nationality of “Hebrew”. For most other Israelis, their cards and personal records state their nationality as “Jewish” or “Arab”. For immigrants whose Jewishness is accepted by the state but questioned by the rabbinical authorities, some 130 other classifications of nationality have been approved, mostly relating to a person’s religion or country of origin. The only nationality you will not find on the list is “Israeli”. That is precisely why Prof Ornan and two dozen others are fighting through the courts: they want to be registered as “Israelis”. It is a hugely important fight -- and for that reason alone they are certain to lose. Why?
Far more is at stake than an ethnic or national label. Israel excludes a nationality of “Israeli” to ensure that, in fulfilment of its self-definition as a “Jewish state”, it is able to assign superior rights of citizenship to the collective “nation” of Jews around the globe than to the body of actual citizens in its territory, which includes many Palestinians. In practice it does this by creating two main classes of citizenship: a Jewish citizenship for “Jewish nationals” and an Arab citizenship for “Arab nationals”. Both nationalities were effectively invented by Israel and have no meaning outside Israel.
This differentiation in citizenship is recognised in Israeli law: the Law of Return, for Jews, makes immigration all but automatic for any Jew around the world who wishes it; and the Citizenship Law, for non-Jews, determines on any entirely separate basis the rights of the country’s Palestinian minority to citizenship. Even more importantly, the latter law abolishes the rights of the Palestinian citizens’ relatives, who were expelled by force in 1948, to return to their homes and land. There are, in other words, two legal systems of citizenship in Israel, differentiating between the rights of citizens based on whether they are Jews or Palestinians.
That, in itself, meets the definition of apartheid, as set out by the United Nations in 1973: “Any legislative measures or other measures calculated to prevent a racial group or groups from participation in the political, social, economic and cultural life of the country and the deliberate creation of conditions preventing the full development of such a group or groups.” The clause includes the following rights: “the right to leave and to return to their country, the right to a nationality, the right to freedom of movement and residence, the right to freedom of opinion and expression.”
Such separation of citizenship is absolutely essential to the maintenance of Israel as a Jewish state. Were all citizens to be defined uniformly as Israelis, were there to be only one law regarding citizenship, then very dramatic consequences would follow. The most significant would be that the Law of Return would either cease to apply to Jews or apply equally to Palestinian citizens, allowing them to bring their exiled relatives to Israel – the much-feared Right of Return. In either a longer or shorter period, Israel’s Jewish majority would be eroded and Israel would become a binational state, probably with a Palestinian majority.
There would be many other predictable consequences of equal citizenship. Would the Jewish settlers, for example, be able to maintain their privileged status in the West Bank if Palestinians in Jenin or Hebron had relatives inside Israel with the same rights as Jews? Would the Israeli army continue to be able to function as an occupation army in a properly democratic state? And would the courts in a state of equal citizens be able to continue turning a blind eye to the brutalities of the occupation? In all these cases, it seems extremely unlikely that the status quo could be maintained.
In other words, the whole edifice of Israel’s apartheid rule inside Israel supports and upholds its apartheid rule in the occupied territories. They stand or fall together.
Next, let us look at the matter of land control.
Last month I met an exceptional Israeli Jewish couple, the Zakais. They are exceptional chiefly because they have developed a deep friendship with a Palestinian couple inside Israel. Although I have reported on Israel and Palestine for many years, I cannot recall ever before meeting an Israeli Jew who had a Palestinian friend in quite the way the Zakais do.
True, there are many Israeli Jews who claim an “Arab” or “Palestinian” friend in the sense that they joke with the guy whose hummus shop they frequent or who fixes their car. There are also Israeli Jews -- and they are an extremely important group -- who stand with Palestinians in political battles such as those here in Bilin or in Sheikh Jarrah in Jerusalem. At these places, Israelis and Palestinians have, against the odds, managed to forge genuine friendships that are vital if Israel’s apartheid rule is to be defeated.
But the Zakais’ relationship with their Bedouin friends, the Tarabins, is not that kind of friendship. It is not based on, or shaped by, a political struggle, one that is itself framed by Israel’s occupation; it is not a self-conscious friendship; and it has no larger goal than the relationship itself. It is a friendship -- or at least it appeared that way to me -- of genuine equals. A friendship of complete intimacy. When I visited the Zakais, I realised what an incredibly unusual sight that is in Israel.
The reason for the very separate cultural and emotional worlds of Jewish and Palestinian citizens in Israel is not difficult to fathom: they live in entirely separate physical worlds. They live apart in segregated communities, separated not through choice but by legally enforceable rules and procedures. Even in the so-called handful of mixed cities, Jews and Palestinians usually live apart, in distinct and clearly defined neighbourhoods. And so it was not entirely surprising that the very issue that brought me to the Zakais was the question of whether a Palestinian citizen is entitled to live in a Jewish community.
The Zakais want to rent to their friends, the Tarabins, their home in the agricultural village of Nevatim in the Negev -- currently an exclusively Jewish community. The Tarabins face a serious housing problem in their own neighbouring Bedouin community. But what the Zakais have discovered is that there are overwhelming social and legal obstacles to Palestinians moving out the ghettoes in which they are supposed to live. Not only is Nevatim’s elected leadership deeply opposed to the Bedouin family entering their community, but so also are the Israeli courts.
Nevatim is not exceptional. There are more than 700 similar rural communities -- mostly kibbutzim and moshavim -- that bar non-Jews from living there. They control most of the inhabitable territory of Israel, land that once belonged to Palestinians: either refugees from the 1948 war; or Palestinian citizens who have had their lands confiscated under special laws.
Today, after these confiscations, at least 93 per cent of Israel is nationalised -- that is, it is held in trust not for Israel’s citizens but for world Jewry. (Here, once again, we should note one of those important consequences of the differentiated citizenship we have just considered.)
Access to most of this nationalised land is controlled by vetting committees, overseen by quasi-governmental but entirely unaccountable Zionist organisations like the Jewish Agency and the Jewish National Fund. Their role is to ensure that such communities remain off-limits to Palestinian citizens, precisely as the Zakais and Tarabins have discovered in the case of Nevatim. The officials there have insisted that the Palestinian family has no right even to rent, let alone buy, property in a “Jewish community”. That position has been effectively upheld by Israel’s highest court, which has agreed that the family must submit to a vetting committee whose very purpose is to exclude them.
Again, the 1973 UN Convention on the “crime of apartheid” is instructive: it includes measures “designed to divide the population along racial lines by the creation of separate reserves and ghettos for the members of a racial group or groups … [and] the expropriation of landed property belonging to a racial group or groups or to members thereof.”
If Jewish and Palestinian citizens have been kept apart so effectively -- and a separate education system and severe limits on interconfessional marriage reinforce this emotional and physical segregation -- how did the Zakais and Tarabins become such close friends?
Their case is an interesting example of serendipity, as I discovered when I met them. Weisman Zakai is the child of Iraqi Jewish parents who immigrated to the Jewish state in its early years. When he and Ahmed Tarabin met as boys in the 1960s, hanging out in the markets of the poor neighbouring city of Beersheva, far from the centre of the country, they found that what they had in common trumped the formal divisions that were supposed to keep them apart and fearful. Both speak fluent Arabic, both were raised in an Arab culture, both are excluded from Jewish Ashkenazi society, and both share a passion for cars.
In their case, Israel’s apartheid system failed in its job of keeping them physically and emotionally apart. It failed to make them afraid of, and hostile to, each other. But as the Zakais have learnt to their cost, in refusing to live according to the rules of Israel’s apartheid system, the system has rejected them. The Zakais are denied the chance to rent to their friends, and now live as pariahs in the community of Nevatim.
Finally, let us consider the concept of “security” inside Israel.
As I have said, the apartheid nature of relations between Jewish and Palestinian citizens is veiled in the legal, social and political spheres. It does not mirror the “petty apartheid” that was a feature of the South African brand: the separate toilets, park benches and buses. But in one instance it is explicit in this petty way -- and this is when Jews and Palestinians enter and leave the country through the border crossings and through Ben Gurion international airport. Here the façade is removed and the different status of citizenship enjoyed by Jews and Palestinians is fully on show.
That lesson was learnt by two middle-aged Palestinian brothers I interviewed this month. Residents of a village near Nazareth, they had been life-long supporters of the Labor party and proudly showed me a fading picture of them hosting a lunch for Yitzhak Rabin in the early 1990s. But at our meeting they were angry and bitter, vowing they would never vote for a Zionist party again.
Their rude awakening had come three years ago when they travelled to the US on a business trip with a group of Jewish insurance agents. On the flight back, they arrived at New York’s JFK airport to see their Jewish colleagues pass through El Al’s security checks in minutes. They, meanwhile, spent two hours being interrogated and having their bags minutely inspected.
When they were finally let through, they were assigned a female guard whose job was to keep them under constant surveillance -- in front of hundreds of fellow passengers -- till they boarded the plane. When one brother went to the bathroom without first seeking permission, the guard berated him in public and her boss threatened to prevent him from boarding the plane unless he apologised. This month the court finally awarded the brothers $8,000 compensation for what it called their “abusive and unnecessary” treatment.
Two things about this case should be noted. The first is that the El Al security team admitted in court that neither brother was deemed a security risk of any sort. The only grounds for the special treatment they received was their national and ethnic belonging. It was transparently a case of racal profiling.
The second thing to note is that their experience is nothing out of the ordinary for Palestinian citizens travelling to and from Israel. Similar, and far worse, incidents occur every day during such security procedures. What was exceptional in this case was that the brothers pursued a time-consuming and costly legal action against El Al.
They did so, I suspect, because they felt so badly betrayed. They had made the mistake of believing the hasbara (propaganda) from Israeli politicians of all stripes who declare that Palestinian citizens can enjoy equal status with Jewish citizens if they are loyal to the state. They assumed that by being Zionists they could become first-class citizens. In accepting this conclusion, they had misunderstood the apartheid reality inherent in a Jewish state.
The most educated, respectable and wealthy Palestinian citizen will always fare worse at the airport security check than the most disreputable Jewish citizen, or the one who espouses extremist opinions or even the Jewish citizen with a criminal record.
Israel’s apartheid system is there to maintain Jewish privilege in a Jewish state. And at the point where that privilege is felt most viscerally by ordinary Jews to be vulnerable, in the life and death experience of flying thousands of feet above the ground, Palestinian citizens must be shown their status as outsider, as the enemy, whoever they are and whatever they have, or have not, done.
Apartheid rule, as I have argued, applies to Palestinians in both Israel and the occupied territories. But is not apartheid in the territories much worse than it is inside Israel? Should we not concern ourselves more with the big apartheid in the West Bank and Gaza than this weaker apartheid? Such an argument demonstrates a dangerous misconception about the indivisible nature of Israel’s apartheid towards Palestinians and about its goals.
Certainly, it is true that apartheid in the territories is much more aggressive than it is inside Israel. There are two reasons for this. The first is that the apartheid under occupation is much less closely supervised by the Israeli civilian courts than it is in Israel. You can, to put it bluntly, get away with much more here. The second, and more significant, reason, however, is that the Israeli system of apartheid in the occupied territories is forced to be more aggressive and cruel -- and that is because the battle is not yet won here. The fight of the occupying power to steal your resources -- your land, water and labour -- is in progress but the outcome is still to be decided. Israel is facing the considerable pressures of time and a fading international legitimacy as it works to take your possessions from you. Every day you resist makes that task a little harder.
In Israel, by contrast, apartheid rule is entrenched -- it achieved its victory decades ago. Palestinian citizens have third or fourth class citizenship; they have had almost all of their land taken from them; they are allowed to live only in their ghettoes; their education system is controlled by the security services; they can work in few jobs other than those Jews do not want; they have the vote but cannot participate in government or effect any political change; and so on.
Doubtless, a related fate is envisioned for you too. The veiled apartheid facing Palestinians inside Israel is the blueprint for a veiled -- and more legitimate -- kind of apartheid being planned for Palestinians in the occupied territories, at least those who are allowed to remain in their Bantustans. And for this very reason, exposing and defeating the apartheid inside Israel is vital to the success of resisting the apartheid that has taken root here.
That is why we must fight Israeli apartheid wherever it is found -- in Jaffa or Jerusalem, in Nazareth or Nablus, in Beersheva or Bilin. It is the only struggle that can bring justice to the Palestinians.
- Jonathan Cook is a writer and journalist based in Nazareth, Israel. His latest books are “Israel and the Clash of Civilisations: Iraq, Iran and the Plan to Remake the Middle East” (Pluto Press) and “Disappearing Palestine: Israel's Experiments in Human Despair” (Zed Books). His website is He contributed this article to
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- ► 23 May - 30 May (130)
- ► 16 May - 23 May (134)
- ► 9 May - 16 May (154)
- ► 2 May - 9 May (121)
25 Apr - 2 May
- Syrian FM Slams US Missile Claims as 'Slander Camp...
- Israel will not be a Jewish state - Gilad Atzmon
- Well Done Frankie Boyle!!! By Gilad Atzmon
- Palestinians need real freedom, not a deformed state
- "The Future of Palestine: Righteous Jews vs. the N...
- نتنياهو في مصر: لا اهلا ولا سهلا
- Playing peace to target Iran
- Prefabricated homes aboard flotilla to Gaza
- Can You Pass The Iran Quiz?
- Ihsanoglu urges strong Muslim stand against Israel...
- The Next 9/11—Made in Israel?
- Calls for Action to Lift Siege on Gaza
- Anti-wall marches in W. Bank villages go on despit...
- 4901 Palestinians lost their Jerusalem residency i...
- BIL’IN: Irish activist arrested and injured 30Apr10
- Hamas Criticizes rulings against "hizbullah cell",...
- Who Gave Permission to US Officers to Inspect Masn...
- "... Nasser's sensibilities were thoroughly bourge...
- Chas Freeman: "Israel is useless to US power proje...
- Clinton: Syria's Provocations May Plunge Middle Ea...
- Fahad Hashmi And Terrorist Hysteria In US Courts
- Why Mr. President? Open Letter to Mahmoud Abbas
- Human rights organisation: Egypt deliberately targ...
- No escape
- The South Reduced: How News Promotes Mistaken View...
- Pro-Israel group monitoring, intimidating Columbia...
- IOF troops fire at a peaceful demonstration
- Ethiopian Jews experience Israeli racism at a very...
- Jerusalem’s secret land deals: video
- USS LIBERTY: The Fifth Fleet Sacrifice - Why did i...
- Humanity: Ahmed Deeb Is Killed
- The Complete Manual for The British Jewish Voter b...
- Female captive Qaherah al-Sa'di completes nine yea...
- Disturbing findings of toxic uranium levels in Gaza
- European MPs and Ministers Assess Gaza Today
- IOF troops kidnap Palestinian elderly woman in Al-...
- Israeli Intelligence Using Internet to Recruit Pal...
- Sayyed Nasrallah to Al-Rai: Israeli Project Nearin...
- Caterpillar equipment used in extrajudicial killin...
- Ahead of his meeting with Netanyahu Pharaoh Gassed...
- "Today it's Scuds, yesterday other kinds of rocket...
- Volvo equipment: Israel's weapons to destroy al-Wa...
- Mazin Qumsiyeh: Three inspiring Palestinian storie...
- Sayyed Nasrallah: Egypt Court Sentences Badge of H...
- Palestinians warn of judaizing Silwan
- The Children of Gaza
- Yitzhar Settlers Vandalize Palestinian Homes, Torc...
- Two Palestinian little girls murdered by Israeli s...
- Gates' message to those in the office of the Joint...
- Another great interview by George Kenny on Electri...
- Israeli tourism maps annex Palestinian lands and o...
- Dual Loyalty Revisited
- UC Berkeley set to vote on historic divestment bill
- IOF troops raid al-Khalil, arrest 13 Palestinians
- Israel finds allies in Europe's Christian fundamen...
- Settler Sewage Ruins Palestinian Crops, Drinking W...
- The UN’s disgraceful failure to support Gaza and P...
- Palestinian prisoners hunger strike for better tre...
- Excerpt from the book My Father Was A Freedom Figh...
- Israel not happy, while Turkey & Syria hold joint ...
- Elliot Abrams: "...A diminished Abbas coming to Wa...
- Abbas’s militias and IOF kidnap Hamas member in jo...
- Gates: Hezbollah More Armed than Most Gov’ts; Resi...
- The Freedom Flotilla Sails to Gaza in May
- Abbas Says Willing to Work with Netanyahu; Hopes f...
- Fatah Officials to Abbas: Take Key Ministries Away...
- Zahhar: Hamas and its armed wing do not kill priso...
- aiming for the artery
- Bibi: Thou shalt not ridicule Israeli soldier
- Hamas government tells citizens to hang up on Isra...
- Israel Lobby's Big Problem: People Aren't Afraid t...
- Netanyahu versus Hamas
- Welcome to the Jewish Comedy Club by Gilad Atzmon
- Words That Speak A Thousand Images
- “Israel’s” man in the US Senate
- US hegemony, not "the lobby," behind complicity wi...
- Netanyahu is taking up Obama's challenge for the m...
- Green light for Jerusalem settlers: video
- PFLP: Fatah authority launching war on resistance ...
- Israel Kidnaps Lawyer Representing Jordanian Detai...
- Hamas: Abbas not fit to conclude prisoners exchang...
- A Nation Born in Deception
- New Israeli plan to build 321 housing units in OJ
- Palestinians resist threat of eviction in Jaffa
- Is Iran Really a Threat?
- US & Israel reach "secret agreements on Jerusalem"...
- British Gas and Israel eyeing Gaza's natural gas r...
- Israeli Occupation Army Says Hezbollah Can Strike ...
- Zahhar: Assassinating Suweiti slap to Fatah authority
- Iraq Today: Afflicted by Violence, Devastation, Co...
- Bahar calls for capturing more soldiers
- Hamas: The PA security cooperation with Israel beh...
- Syria’s scuds, “Israel’s” security and one big smo...
- Book review: Edward Said's commitment in conversation
- Iran – a Dangerous Escalation
- Israel's Big and Small Apartheids: Meaning of a Je...
- ► 18 Apr - 25 Apr (99)
- ► 11 Apr - 18 Apr (119)
- ► 4 Apr - 11 Apr (90)
- ► 28 Mar - 4 Apr (113)
- ► 21 Mar - 28 Mar (90)
- ► 14 Mar - 21 Mar (121)
- ► 7 Mar - 14 Mar (190)
- ► 28 Feb - 7 Mar (167)
- ► 21 Feb - 28 Feb (162)
- ► 14 Feb - 21 Feb (162)
- ► 7 Feb - 14 Feb (180)
- ► 31 Jan - 7 Feb (174)
- ► 24 Jan - 31 Jan (128)
- ► 17 Jan - 24 Jan (136)
- ► 10 Jan - 17 Jan (154)
- ► 3 Jan - 10 Jan (128)
- ► 27 Dec - 3 Jan (144)
- ► 20 Dec - 27 Dec (151)
- ► 13 Dec - 20 Dec (167)
- ► 6 Dec - 13 Dec (145)
- ► 29 Nov - 6 Dec (162)
- ► 22 Nov - 29 Nov (152)
- ► 15 Nov - 22 Nov (149)
- ► 8 Nov - 15 Nov (90)
- ► 1 Nov - 8 Nov (138)
- ► 25 Oct - 1 Nov (105)
- ► 18 Oct - 25 Oct (120)
- ► 11 Oct - 18 Oct (111)
- ► 4 Oct - 11 Oct (108)
- ► 27 Sept - 4 Oct (114)
- ► 20 Sept - 27 Sept (100)
- ► 13 Sept - 20 Sept (116)
- ► 6 Sept - 13 Sept (128)
- ► 30 Aug - 6 Sept (114)
- ► 23 Aug - 30 Aug (128)
- ► 16 Aug - 23 Aug (93)
- ► 9 Aug - 16 Aug (83)
- ► 2 Aug - 9 Aug (76)
- ► 26 Jul - 2 Aug (78)
- ► 19 Jul - 26 Jul (123)
- ► 12 Jul - 19 Jul (90)
- ► 5 Jul - 12 Jul (114)
- ► 28 Jun - 5 Jul (114)
- ► 21 Jun - 28 Jun (121)
- ► 14 Jun - 21 Jun (126)
- ► 7 Jun - 14 Jun (117)
- ► 31 May - 7 Jun (120)
- ► 24 May - 31 May (126)
- ► 17 May - 24 May (144)
- ► 10 May - 17 May (156)
- ► 3 May - 10 May (147)
- ► 26 Apr - 3 May (94)
- ► 19 Apr - 26 Apr (118)
- ► 12 Apr - 19 Apr (102)
- ► 5 Apr - 12 Apr (117)
- ► 29 Mar - 5 Apr (99)
- ► 22 Mar - 29 Mar (105)
- ► 15 Mar - 22 Mar (91)
- ► 8 Mar - 15 Mar (120)
- ► 1 Mar - 8 Mar (104)
- ► 22 Feb - 1 Mar (84)
- ► 15 Feb - 22 Feb (83)
- ► 8 Feb - 15 Feb (78)
- ► 1 Feb - 8 Feb (94)
- ► 25 Jan - 1 Feb (115)
- ► 18 Jan - 25 Jan (108)
- ► 11 Jan - 18 Jan (94)
- ► 4 Jan - 11 Jan (79)
- ► 28 Dec - 4 Jan (38)
- ► 21 Dec - 28 Dec (26)
- ► 14 Dec - 21 Dec (19)
- ► 7 Dec - 14 Dec (16)
- ► 30 Nov - 7 Dec (17)
- ► 23 Nov - 30 Nov (21)
- ► 16 Nov - 23 Nov (23)
- ► 9 Nov - 16 Nov (10)
- ► 2 Nov - 9 Nov (20)
- ► 26 Oct - 2 Nov (21)
- ► 19 Oct - 26 Oct (13)
- ► 12 Oct - 19 Oct (18)
- ► 5 Oct - 12 Oct (20)
- ► 28 Sept - 5 Oct (11)
- ► 21 Sept - 28 Sept (21)
- ► 14 Sept - 21 Sept (17)
Sayyed Nasrallah
A Must see: What if Hezbollah Was Defeated?
Sayyed Nasrallah: All Options Open in Case of Israeli Attack
Sayyed Nasrallah: “March 14” Bets Are Falling, Syria to Pass Conspiracy
The enemy is this American Administration and its “tool” not “ally”in the region, Israel, Sayyed
‘Resistance Stronger than Ever… Lebanon Will Protect Oil Wealth’
Resistance Might Have to Occupy Galilee- Netanyaho; You can't !"Opposition Will Not Name Hariri; New Stage Has Begun
Day When you Could Threaten Us Are Over
‘Any Hand Seeking to Detain Any of Our Mujahideen Will Be Cut’
Iran's Project is the Palestinian's, Lebanon's and Arab's Project
Mideast Peace Talks Are "Born-Dead"
Our Freedom, Sovereignty Depend On Our Elements of Power
Videos: Hariri Assasination Evidence Expose
Israel behind Hariri's Assassination
Israeli Hand That Attacks Army Will Be Cut Off
Lebanon Pushed into Sensitive Stage from STL Gate - video
Nasrallah on The Resistances Wounded Day -Video Unite, Back Turkey, Take Part in Freedom Flotilla 2 -Video
Nasralla: In Next War, Only Fleeing Israelis Will Be Safe.
We’ll hit back and we are capable of it,
And More
My Palestine: A Nation Behind Bars: By Reham Alhelsi
- My Name is Palestine: 64 Years Later, Time for Justice!
- Palestinian Political Prisoners: Breaking the Chains of Oppression, Marching towards Freedom
- A Letter to Mother Palestine and her Daughters
- The Women of Palestine and the Struggle for Liberation
- On International Women’s Day, Palestinian Political Prisoners Remain the Spearhead of Resistance
- Ash-Shalabi: A Family from Palestine
- Jerusalem; A Cry for Support, A Cry for Justice - Where is the millions?
- Khader Adnan; Ledendary Steadfastness from Palestine
- Jaba’, the Tears of Palestine and Zionist Racism
- Palestinian Prisoners on Hunger Strike: Defeating Oppression, Liberating Palestine
- Call me a Palestinian from Palestine
- PA Political Terminology 101: When Talks Are Not Talks
- One Heart; Beating for Palestine
- A free Palestine: Free from the River to the Sea
- Embracing the Land
- The Eagle of Palestine
- Returning to Jerusalem
- 63 Years Later, Palestine From River To Sea
- They Call it “Independence” … We Call it Nakba
- On Land Day, Listen to the Land
- Occupied Palestine from A to Z: Basma – a Woman from Palestine
- On International Women’s Day: Remember Palestinian Female Prisoners
- Gassing Palestinians: The Use of Lethal Gas in occupied Palestine
- Never Again, Gaza
- “Generals of Patience”
- To a Child who Dreamt of Freedom
- This is Our Land and This is Our Blood
- No Justice for Jerusalem: Murdering Palestinian Jerusalemites in Cold Blood
- 28 Years Later: Sabra and Shatila Massacre
- The Voice of Palestine
- Palestinian Prisoners: A Symbol of Resistance, Steadfastness and Pride
- Palestinian Political Prisoners in Israeli
- Palestinian Women and Children Behind Zionist Bars
- A Trilogy: The Road to “Independence” (1)
The On-Going Nakba of Palestine … 63 Years Later
I Smell A Rat
URI AVNERY: Binyamin al-Assad and Bashar Netanyahu."
- The STL tide has changed: "Enough is enough" "Do you think we’re that stupid?”
- In Defense of a Palestinian. (Censored at Rizzostine's PTT)
- Each village is a reminder by Brian Lenzo
- More Fog of Deception
- Two Telling Polls
- Israel’s Hasbara Arab Agents
- Hamas Smells a RAT: Obama’s remarks on Gaza insincere and empty
- Palestinian Idiot: Advice to Erdogan and to Turkey: Don't Trust the Arab Throngs, Don't lose your old Friends, Nato and Israel
- Thanks, Iran! But NO Thanks!
- Through the Fog of Deception
- Wall of Shame, Viva Palestinia, and some Free minds for .....
- Alan Hart Seconding Yasser Abed Rabbo's Call: Yes indeed, show us all the map!
- Saudi King Abdullah Should invite Netanyahu to Riyadh
- Do most Israelis and many other Jews NEED to feel persecuted?
- Time to close the Palestinian file
- Annual Nakba Commemoration Dinner Speech
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- Iran-Hezbollah Versus Israel (4)
- Iran-India Relations (6)
- Iran-Russia Alliance (1)
- Iran-Syria (2)
- Iran-Syria Relations (4)
- Iran-US Relations (23)
- Iran's Islamic Revolution (4)
- Iran’s Middle East Policy (1)
- Iran's Nuclear Program (9)
- Iranian carpet weaver (1)
- Iranian scientists hostage (1)
- Iranian Strikes On US Bases (34)
- Iranophobia (10)
- IRAQ (2390)
- Iraq National Dialogue (1)
- Iraq Protests (9)
- Iraq war (181)
- Iraq's Hashd al-Shaabi (1)
- Iraqi Army (130)
- Iraqi Hezbollah (122)
- Iraqi Liberation Movement (1)
- Iraqi reconstruction (1)
- Iraqi resistance (62)
- Iraqi sovereignty (5)
- Ireland (63)
- IRGC (252)
- IRGG (4)
- Iron Dome (57)
- ISF (26)
- ISIL (6190)
- ISIS (312)
- ISIS is an American Asset (3)
- Islam (262)
- Islamic (1)
- Islamic Eschatology (2)
- Islamic Jamaa (15)
- Islamic Jihad (314)
- Islamic jurisprudence crisis (231)
- Islamic sites (199)
- Islamic socialism (3)
- Islamists (275)
- Islamophobia (380)
- Islamophobia and White Supremacy (4)
- Islington Council (6)
- ISM (3)
- Ismail Qaani (17)
- ISNU (1)
- Israel (316)
- Israel a Haven for Sex Offenders (2)
- Israel and EU (1)
- Israel and KSA (3)
- Israel is a spider web (5)
- Israel vs Hezbollah (5)
- Israel-India Hegemony (1)
- Israel-Lebanon Relations (2)
- Israel-Russia Relations (8)
- Israel-UK Relations (12)
- Israel-USA Relations (3)
- Israel-USA Relationship (863)
- Israel-USA Relationship Ilhan Omar (1)
- Israel’s Aggression on Gaza (2)
- Israeli Affairs (82)
- Israeli Aggression (1397)
- Israeli Corona hysteria (1)
- Israeli Crimes (321)
- Israeli Crimes in Gaza (13)
- Israeli Elections (20)
- Israeli Elections and Gaza (1)
- Israeli Identity (6)
- Israeli Lies (18)
- Israeli Lobby (2)
- Israeli occupation of Palestine (2)
- Israeli Propaganda (1)
- Israeli Racism and Brutality (55)
- Israeli Settlements (53)
- Israeli Tactical Training Academy (1)
- Israeli War on Gaza (3)
- Israeli War on Palestinian Children (2)
- Israeli Wars on Arabs (312)
- Israeli Wars On Lebanon (46)
- Israeli Wars On Lebanon | (1)
- Israeli/Zionist Hegemon (1)
- Israeli/Zionist Hegemony (79)
- Israhell (237)
- Isreaeli Aggression (2)
- Isreali Claim on the Golan Heights (1)
- Istanbul Council (162)
- Italy (51)
- Italy- China Relations (1)
- James Petras (66)
- Jamil Sayyed (29)
- Jammu Kashmir (7)
- Japan (71)
- Jared Kushner (4)
- Javad Zarif (74)
- Jaysh al-Islam (30)
- jazz (31)
- JCPOA (290)
- Jebran Bassil (55)
- Jeff Gates (13)
- Jeff Halper (8)
- Jeffery Epstein (1)
- Jeffrey Blankfort (21)
- Jeffrey Feltman (144)
- Jenin (25)
- Jenny Tonge (9)
- Jeremy Corbyn (288)
- Jerusalem (1575)
- Jerusalem | Tagged: Deal of the Century (1)
- Jerusalem Orthodox Church (1)
- Jerusalem vs. Athens (8)
- Jesus (76)
- Jewish continuity (1)
- Jewish Crimes (2147)
- Jewish culture (276)
- Jewish Deception (276)
- Jewish God (4)
- Jewish History (16)
- Jewish Hypocrisy (83)
- jewish identity (285)
- Jewish Ideology (242)
- Jewish Khazars (4)
- Jewish Left (175)
- Jewish Lies (232)
- Jewish Lobby (678)
- Jewish Mentality (353)
- Jewish National Fund (1)
- Jewish neocons (4)
- Jewish Power (734)
- Jewish Propaganda (134)
- Jewish Rabbis (3)
- Jewish state (440)
- Jewish terror state (589)
- Jewish terrorism (1718)
- Jewish tribalism (110)
- Jewish violence (1215)
- Jewish World (166)
- Jewishness (307)
- Jews (584)
- Jews for Justice (36)
- Jews Only (127)
- Jihad Al-Binaa Association (1)
- Jihad Al-Binaa (2)
- Jisr Al-Shughour (7)
- JNF (5)
- Joan of Arc (1)
- John Bolton (141)
- John Bolton White Helmets (1)
- Jonathan Azaziah (120)
- Jonathan Cook (104)
- Jonathon Blakeley (3)
- Jordan (642)
- Jordan option (14)
- Jordan River Valley (15)
- Joseph Massad (8)
- Journalism (177)
- Joyeesh festival (1)
- Juan Guaidó (42)
- Judaism (213)
- Judaism British Jews (1)
- Judaization (323)
- Julian Assange (117)
- July war (496)
- Jumblat (309)
- Jundallah (8)
- Jurisprudence savagery (229)
- Just war (1)
- Justice (60)
- Justin Raimondo (3)
- Kaaba (10)
- Kadhafi (363)
- Kadima (35)
- Kafr Nobl (1)
- Kahane (3)
- Kamal al-Haydari (1)
- Kamala Harris (18)
- Karbala (11)
- Karl Marx (11)
- Kasab (9)
- Kashmir (11)
- Kashmir Lockdown (1)
- kat American Aggression (1)
- Kazakhstan (9)
- Ken O'Keefe (106)
- Ken O’Keefe (5)
- Kennedy (60)
- Kerch Strait (11)
- Kerry (229)
- Kevin Barrett (42)
- KGB (3)
- Khaddam (28)
- Khader Adnan (28)
- Khaled Mishaal (268)
- Khalid Amayreh (192)
- khalida Jarrar (4)
- Khamenei (332)
- Khamenei ’Yellow Vests’ (1)
- Khamenei | Tagged: 40th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution (2)
- Khan Al-Ahmar (1)
- Khan on Genocide in Kashmir (1)
- Khan Sheikhoun (21)
- Khan Touman (3)
- Khashoggi (13)
- Khashoggi International Probe (2)
- Khashoggi's Killing (59)
- Khashoggi’s Killing (39)
- Khashoggi's Killng (5)
- Khashoggi’s Killng (3)
- Khasoggi and the War on Yemen (1)
- Khazar (37)
- Khazars (38)
- Khiam Torture Detention Center (5)
- Khiyam Detention Camp (4)
- Khmeimim (4)
- Khomeini (95)
- Khorasan (20)
- Ki-moon (47)
- kidnapping Lebanon's Protests (5)
- kidnapping Lebanon’s Protests (1)
- King Salman (18)
- kirkuk (13)
- Kissinger (63)
- Kobani (68)
- Korea (10)
- Kosovo (15)
- Kourosh Ziabariis (21)
- Krajina (1)
- KRG (1)
- Ku Klux Klan (1)
- Kuntar (13)
- kur (1)
- Kurdistan (344)
- Kurds (822)
- Kushner (56)
- Kuwait (71)
- Kyrgyzstan (6)
- L (1)
- Labor Zionism (31)
- Labour Party (236)
- Labour Patty (9)
- Labrahimi (41)
- Lahad militia (10)
- Lahoud (40)
- Land Day (15)
- land theft (967)
- lanf (1)
- Latakia (22)
- Latest Yemen Strike (1)
- Latin America (347)
- Latin America | Tagged: AngloZionist Empire (1)
- Latin America American (1)
- Lativia (2)
- Lattakia (7)
- Latuff (77)
- Laura Stuart (37)
- Lauren Booth (27)
- Lavrov (265)
- Leb-Resistance parliamentary bloc (2)
- Leb-Syria-Iraq Economic Integration (4)
- Leb: For a national constituent conference (1)
- Leb. Ex-prime ministers (32)
- Lebanese flotilla (35)
- Lebanese Internal Security Forces (ISF) (3)
- Lebanese Judicial Council (4)
- Lebanese TV channel Al-Jadeed (1)
- Lebanon (3856)
- Lebanon Corrupt Banking System (62)
- Lebanon Corrupt sectarian system (89)
- Lebanon Harirism Era Corruption (1)
- Lebanon Independence (1)
- Lebanon Political Corona (7)
- Lebanon Protests (58)
- Lebanon-Syria Fires (3)
- Lebanon’s (1)
- Lebanon's 2nd Independence (5)
- Lebanon's army (340)
- Lebanon’s army (67)
- Lebanon’s financial collapse (75)
- Lebanon's Fuel Cartel (9)
- Lebanon’s Fuel Cartel (1)
- Lebanon's Gas and Oil (26)
- Lebanon’s Gas and Oil (11)
- Lebanon's maritime borders (39)
- Lebanon’s military tribunal (3)
- Lebanon's National Resistance (23)
- Lebanon’s National Resistance (14)
- Lebanon's sectarian regime (13)
- Lebanon’s sectarian regime (4)
- Lebanon's Zionists (69)
- Lebbanons Defense Strategy and Resistance Arms (4)
- Leef and Right (1)
- Left (78)
- Levant (214)
- Levant Scholars' Union (1)
- LF (175)
- liber (1)
- Liberal Technocrat (4)
- Liberal Tecknocrat (1)
- Liberalism (8)
- Liberation (104)
- Liberation of Idlib (166)
- Liberation of Idlib | (1)
- Liberation2 (19)
- Liberman (1)
- Librals (4)
- Libya (813)
- Libyan National Army (3)
- Libyan war (394)
- Lieberman (219)
- lies (2)
- Life under occupation (415)
- Likud (90)
- liquidation of the Palestinian (1)
- liquidation of the Palestinian cause (27)
- liwa' al'iiskundarun (2)
- Liwaa Al-Quds (2)
- Looters (3)
- Louis XVI (1)
- loyalty oath (1)
- Lugansk (12)
- M15 (22)
- M16 (64)
- M4 highway (49)
- M5 highway (16)
- Ma`arat al-Nu`man (6)
- Maaloula (2)
- Maarat al-Numan (8)
- Mabhuh Killing (91)
- Macedonia (1)
- Machiavellianism (2)
- Macron (224)
- Macron | Tagged: Amazon fire (1)
- Macron Merkel (1)
- Macron’Yellow Vests’ (1)
- Madawi al-Rasheed (4)
- Madeleine Albright (10)
- Maduro (113)
- MAFIA (1)
- Magic turned on Anglo Zionist Magicians (1)
- Mahmoud Darwish (5)
- Maidhc Ó Cathail (30)
- Mainstream (1)
- mainstream media (5)
- Mainstream Media Disinformation (11)
- Mainstream Media Lies (16)
- Mairead Maguire (5)
- Majdal Shams (2)
- Malaysia (36)
- Malcolm X (5)
- Mali (27)
- Malki (97)
- Managed Democracy (7)
- Manbij (19)
- Mao (14)
- Mar Mikhayel Church agreement (1)
- Marada movement (25)
- March 14 Movement (549)
- March 8 coalition (69)
- Marco Polo (1)
- Marcon (4)
- Maria Butina (2)
- Marib (84)
- Marine (1)
- Marine Le Pen (23)
- Mark Esper (12)
- Maronite Patriarch (84)
- Maroun al-Ras (21)
- Martyr Bareddine (4)
- martyr Hadi Hassan Nasrallah (1)
- martyrashrakat (3)
- Martyrdom (74)
- Martyrdom | Tagged: Abbas Al-Mousawi (1)
- Martyrdom operations (9)
- Martyrs (257)
- Marwan Barghouti (12)
- Marxism-Leninism (9)
- Marxist revolution (2)
- Mary Colvin (1)
- Maryam Rajavi (1)
- Marzieh Hashemi (3)
- Mass (2)
- Mass Graves in Iraq (1)
- Mass media (121)
- Mass Migration (1)
- Mass Starvation (30)
- Mattis (63)
- Mauritania (2)
- Max Blumenthal (20)
- Maxico (25)
- Mazin Qumsiyeh (83)
- MBS (539)
- MBS-Khashoggi (19)
- MBZ (113)
- McCain (134)
- McCarthyism (17)
- McChrystal (8)
- Mecca (33)
- Mecca Conference (1)
- Media (42)
- media freedom (3)
- Media Lies (477)
- Media Silent on Yemen (3)
- Media war (384)
- Media War against Syria (1)
- Mediterranean (1)
- Mediterranean Sea (8)
- Medvedev (10)
- Mehdi Ben Barka (1)
- Mehlis (9)
- MEK (77)
- Mel Gibson (2)
- Mercenaries (59)
- Mercenary (2)
- merican Coup in Venezuela (1)
- Merkel (81)
- Messianic Jews (1)
- MH17 (3)
- MI5 (1)
- Michel Aoun (461)
- Michel Samaha (10)
- Michel Suleiman (51)
- Middle East Conflict (261)
- Middle East Issues (95)
- Middle East Observer (1)
- Mike (1)
- Mike Pence (16)
- Mike Pompeo (33)
- Mike Whitney (5)
- miliband (24)
- Military council (118)
- Military Industrial Complex (80)
- Military war versus financial war (1)
- Minsk Agreements (29)
- Mitt Romney (30)
- mkGolan Heights (1)
- MKO (44)
- Moderate Terrorist (778)
- Modi and Kashmir (2)
- Mofaz (6)
- Mohamad Mursi (229)
- Mohamed Shahrour (4)
- Mohammad Bin Salman (1)
- Mohammed bin Nayef (5)
- Moldova (2)
- Mollistine (136)
- Mondoweiss (2)
- Monroe Doctrine (9)
- Morales (17)
- More Truth about 9/11 (1)
- Moroco (12)
- Morroco (14)
- MOSSAD (744)
- Mossad and 9/11 (2)
- MOSSAD Epstein (1)
- Mossadegh (1)
- Mosul (57)
- Mother Agnes Mariam (5)
- Mother of all crimes (1)
- Mother of Resistance (3)
- Mousavi (27)
- MSM (1)
- MSM Disinformation (58)
- MTV Channe (1)
- Mubarak (106)
- Mubarak Resignation (2)
- Mughniyeh (70)
- multiculturalism (36)
- multipolar world (77)
- Multipolar World Order (19)
- Muqtada al-Sadr (24)
- Murdoch (18)
- Musa Sadr (13)
- Muslim Brotherhood (601)
- Muslim Genocide in India (1)
- Muslim Unity (23)
- Muslims (309)
- Muslims in India (1)
- Muslims in India and China (1)
- Mustafa Badreddine (6)
- Mustafa Barghouthi (18)
- Myanmar (17)
- Nagasaki (6)
- Nahid Hattar (20)
- Nahida (264)
- Nahr El-Bared (16)
- Naji al-Ali (5)
- Najib Miqati (111)
- Najran (11)
- Nakba (64)
- Nakba and Right of Return (576)
- Nakba and ROR (230)
- Nakba bill (31)
- Naksa Day (25)
- NAM (35)
- Napoleon (3)
- Naram (5)
- Nasa (3)
- Nasrallah (1374)
- Nasrallah ‘map speech’ (3)
- Nasrallah Family (1)
- Nasrallah the human being (1)
- Nasrallah وDahiyeh (1)
- Nasrallah's Family (2)
- Nasrallah's sincere promise (3)
- Nasrallah’s sincere promise (1)
- NasrallahوAvivim strike (1)
- Nasser (134)
- Nasser Kandil (1208)
- National Conference for Dialogue (1)
- Nationalism (50)
- Nationalist/Identitarian dialectics (1)
- Native Americans (70)
- Native Canadians (5)
- NATO (2117)
- NATO Aggression (8)
- Nato Crimes (375)
- NATO war games (1)
- Naturalization (1)
- Naturei Karta (3)
- Nayrab (7)
- Nazi America (2)
- Nazi Germany (269)
- Nazi Israel (5895)
- Nazi Israel Fascism in Europe (1)
- Nazi Zionist (8)
- Nazism (50)
- Nazism McCarthyism (1)
- NDF (17)
- NED (74)
- Nelson Mandela (5)
- Neo-Confederate (1)
- Neo-Nazi (9)
- neo-nazis (618)
- neo-Ottoman (549)
- Neocons (255)
- Neoliberalism (43)
- Nepal (1)
- Netanyahu (3519)
- Netanyahu half wars (1)
- Netanyahu Prime or Crime Minister (1)
- Netherland (3)
- Netherlands (18)
- Neturei Karta (14)
- new (1)
- New American Century (5)
- New arms race (6)
- New Horizon organization (1)
- New Left (8)
- New middle East (130)
- New World Ordder (127)
- New World Order (24)
- New Zealand (9)
- New Zealand mosques massacre (10)
- News and Links (4)
- Newsweek (1)
- Newzealand (3)
- Newzealand | Tagged: Christchurch Terror Attack (1)
- NGOs (236)
- NGOs و "Arab Spring" (1)
- Nicaragua (10)
- Nigel Farage (4)
- Niger (1)
- Nigeria (14)
- Nikki Haley (8)
- Nilesat (1)
- Nixon (9)
- No Fly zone (128)
- Noam Chomsky (16)
- Noam Chomsky Exposed (1)
- Noam Propaganda War (1)
- Nobel Peace Prize (50)
- Nobel Prize (1)
- nonviolence (235)
- Nord Stream (31)
- Normalisation (147)
- North Korea (221)
- Norway (44)
- Norway Bombing (27)
- Notre Dame Cathedral (2)
- Nour Baraka (1)
- Novorossiya (2)
- NSA (74)
- NSA | (1)
- nstex (1)
- NTC (39)
- nternational Law (1)
- nuclear arsenal (376)
- Nuclear war (7)
- Nuremberg Tribunal (1)
- Nusra Front (2453)
- NWO (9)
- NYT (6)
- Obama (2053)
- Obama's Speech (6)
- OBOR (2)
- Occupation (110)
- Occupation Terrorism (1075)
- Occupied (1)
- Occupied Jammu Kashmir (48)
- Occupied Palestine (17)
- Occupied W Bank (874)
- Occupied West Bank (1153)
- Occupy Wall Street (60)
- October War (7)
- OF (2)
- Oh Mohammad (68)
- OIC (28)
- oil (1)
- Oil war (32)
- Old Testament God (40)
- Olmert (26)
- Oman (43)
- Omar Abu Leila (1)
- Omar al-Bashir (5)
- Omar Barghouti (20)
- Omar Suleiman (44)
- One-Million March (5)
- One-State Solution (99)
- Online Censorship (11)
- OPCW (38)
- OPCW scandal (27)
- OPEC (24)
- Opec+ (4)
- Operation Cast Lead (214)
- Operation Spring Shield (6)
- Operation Victory From God (12)
- Opposing the Globalists (1)
- Organ Harvesting (98)
- Organized Crime (1)
- Orientalism (2)
- Orthodox (53)
- Orthodox Church in Ukraine (11)
- Orthodox churches (12)
- Orthodox Jews (6)
- Oslo (321)
- Others (17)
- Ottoman Empire (45)
- p3 (1)
- P5+1 (170)
- PA (476)
- PA security coordination with enemy (7)
- Pak-Afghan Relations (1)
- Pak-China Relations (4)
- Pak-China War on Terrorism (1)
- Pak-India Relations (4)
- Pak-India Tension (5)
- Pak-Iran Relations (8)
- Pak-Russia Relations (1)
- Pak-Saudi Relations (1)
- Pak-US Relations (2)
- Pakistan (455)
- Pakistan | Tagged: Hindu Imperialism (1)
- Pakistan and Emerging World Order (1)
- Pakistan and Kashmir (3)
- Pakistan Army (2)
- Pakistan Hindu Imperialism (1)
- Pakistan Terror Attack (1)
- Pakistan under Imran Khan (1)
- Pakistan under Khan (1)
- Pakistan's Diplomacy (2)
- Pakistan’s War on Terror (1)
- pale (2)
- Palestine (7459)
- Palestine | Tagged: AngloZionist Empire (1)
- Palestine and Kashmir (1)
- Palestine British Empire (1)
- Palestine Days (170)
- Palestine Galilee (1)
- Palestine Israeli Aggression (1)
- Palestine Lobby (11)
- Palestine Papers (17)
- Palestine’s Offshore Oil and Gas (1)
- Palestinian cause (38)
- Palestinian Children (393)
- Palestinian detainees (514)
- Palestinian female prisoners (16)
- Palestinian Freedom (1)
- Palestinian Holocaust (337)
- Palestinian Identity (2)
- Palestinian Leaders (27)
- Palestinian Localization (1)
- Palestinian Olive (68)
- Palestinian Options (102)
- Palestinian Prisoners in Israel (12)
- Palestinian reconciliation (428)
- Palestinian Resistance (1011)
- Palestinian Statehood (204)
- Palestinian Unity (17)
- Palestinian's Resettlement (6)
- Palestinians (430)
- Palestinians Children of Palestine (1)
- Palestinians Gaza (1)
- Palestinians in Gaza (1)
- Palestinians rights (245)
- Paletinian Unity (25)
- Palmyra (127)
- passport fraud (50)
- Pastor Manuel Musallam (3)
- Patrick Cockburn (1)
- Patrick Seale (13)
- Paul Eisen (9)
- Paul Findley (2)
- Paul J. Balles (27)
- PCHR (31)
- Peace (1)
- Peace in Afghanistan (2)
- Peace Movement (8)
- Peace Process (71)
- Peace vs War (1)
- Peace-agreement (8)
- Pelosi (18)
- Pentagon (38)
- Pentagon’s Indo-Pacific Strategy Report (1)
- Pentagon's Wars (12)
- Pentagon’s Wars (1)
- Pepe Escobar (260)
- Perez (87)
- Perpetual Wars (1)
- Persian Gulf (58)
- Peshmerga (16)
- Peter A. Belmont (3)
- Peter King (2)
- Petrodollar (17)
- Petrodollar” agreement (4)
- PFLI (1)
- PFLP (222)
- PFLP G.Command (71)
- Phalange party (136)
- Pharaoh (251)
- Pharma industry (4)
- Philip Giraldi (143)
- Philippines (29)
- Pilgrimage to Mecca (1)
- Pilgrimage to Mecca. (1)
- Pilgrims Society (2)
- Pillar of Cloud (69)
- Pinochet (2)
- PIRACY (1)
- Pittsburgh (1)
- Pittsburgh Attack (3)
- PKK (279)
- Playing on the brink (2)
- PLC (48)
- PLO (364)
- PMU (95)
- Poetry (88)
- Poland (71)
- Police States (21)
- Political arrests (136)
- Political Correctness (65)
- Political Recalibration in South Asia (1)
- Pollard (32)
- Polls (78)
- Pompeo (244)
- Pompeo Threatens ICC (1)
- Pope (71)
- Popular Front for the Liberation of Iskandarun (1)
- Popular Resistance (477)
- Popular Revolutions (360)
- Portugal (3)
- power (1)
- Precision (1)
- Precision missiles (19)
- Predatory Jewish specialty (2)
- Press TV (10)
- PressTV journalists (2)
- Prince Ahmed bin Abdulaziz (2)
- Prince Ahmed bin Abdulaziz | (1)
- Prisoners of Zion (845)
- Prisoners of Zion Palestinian detainees (1)
- Privatisation (14)
- Proactive action (1)
- Process Initiative (1)
- Promised Land (111)
- Propaganda (500)
- Propaganda War (41)
- Prophet (8)
- Protective Edge (69)
- Protest (48)
- Protest Movement (45)
- Protests (156)
- Proxy War (54)
- Prussia (2)
- PSC (91)
- PSM (55)
- PSYCO WAR (96)
- Public benefit (1)
- Pulls out of Syria (1)
- Purim (21)
- Push back on Israel (1)
- Putin (1627)
- Putin-Erdogan-Idlib (39)
- Putin-haters (3)
- Putin's Balancing Act? (1)
- PYD (49)
- Qaddomi (8)
- Qalamoun (112)
- Qamishli (7)
- Qana massacre (2)
- Qaradawi (94)
- Qassam Brigades (2)
- Qassem Suleimani (121)
- Qassemi farewell (6)
- Qatar (1232)
- Qatif (8)
- Qom (1)
- Quantitative easing (1)
- Quartet (27)
- Quneitra (6)
- Quran (61)
- Quranic Islam (72)
- Quranic Islam Mohamed Shahrour (1)
- QUSAYR (31)
- R2P (1)
- Rachel Corrie (77)
- Racism (1057)
- Racist Skinhead (1)
- Rafah crossing (75)
- Rafik Nasrallah (15)
- Ragheb Harb (5)
- Raja (341)
- Ramadan Shallah (29)
- Ramallah (12)
- Ramallah Traitors (1009)
- Ramsey Clarke (2)
- Ramzy Baroud (110)
- Rantissi (4)
- RAQ (1)
- raqi sovereignty (1)
- Raqqa (194)
- Rashida Tlaib (8)
- RCEP (7)
- Reagan (9)
- Reconciliation (32)
- Red cross (3)
- Red sea (10)
- Referendum (3)
- Reform (130)
- Refugees (151)
- regime change (952)
- reham alhelsi (18)
- Religion (372)
- Religious federalism (2)
- Religous Correctness (15)
- Remove term: America’s international navigation alliance (1)
- Resettlement (11)
- Resistance (1060)
- Resistance option (150)
- Resistance precision missiles (56)
- Revolution (8)
- Revolutionary Iran (1)
- Rex Tillerson (73)
- Reza Pahlavi (1)
- Riad Salameh (34)
- RIC (3)
- Rich Siegel (3)
- Richard Edmondson (531)
- Richard Falk (86)
- Right ideology (1)
- Rizzostine (24)
- Robert Fisk (60)
- Robert Mood (2)
- Roger Garaudy (7)
- Roger Tucker (4)
- Roger Waters (6)
- Roger Waters Speaks for Julian Assange (2)
- Rohingya (1)
- Romania (12)
- Ron Paul (12)
- ROR (223)
- Rothschilds (84)
- Rouhani (109)
- Rules of Engagement (35)
- Russia (5858)
- Russia America’s Dirty Wars (1)
- Russia Corporate Media (1)
- Russia in Syria (8)
- Russia the most beautiful place on Earth (1)
- Russia vs West (8)
- Russia-Israel Debacle (1)
- Russia-Pakistan Joint Military Training (1)
- Russia-Syria (3)
- Russia-Syria Relations (1)
- Russia-UK Relations (3)
- Russia: Checkmating America (1)
- Russia’s war on corruption (1)
- Russiagate (26)
- RussiaIsrael-Russia Relations (1)
- Russian “war crimes” in Syria (1)
- Russian and Chinese Alliance (23)
- Russian hypersonic missiles (3)
- Russian Orthodox (5)
- Russian PMCs (1)
- Russian ruble (1)
- Russian shipbuilding (1)
- Russian Tu-160 in Venezuela (2)
- RussiaوAxis of Resistance (1)
- RussiaوOil war (1)
- Russophobia (183)
- S-300 (7)
- S-300 Sale to Syria (28)
- S-300 v. F-35 (12)
- S-400 (36)
- SAA (932)
- Sabahi (12)
- Sabbahi (4)
- Sabra and Chatila (68)
- Sadat (42)
- Saddam (163)
- Saddam’s Ba’ath (42)
- Sadr Movement (7)
- Safe Zone (3)
- Salafis (206)
- Salafism a Geopolitical Tool (2)
- salavador (2)
- Sale to Syria (1)
- Salman bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud (1)
- Salvador Allende (3)
- Sami Klaib (26)
- Samjhauta (1)
- Sana'a Mehaidli (1)
- Sanctions (993)
- Sanctions against Syria (44)
- Sanders (87)
- Saphardim Jews (1)
- Saraqib (41)
- Saree Makdisi (6)
- Sarkozy (67)
- Sarrs (1)
- satire (7)
- Saud el-Qahtani (5)
- Saudi (1)
- Saudi Aggression (166)
- Saudi Arabia (20)
- Saudi Oppression (37)
- Saudi Wars (2)
- Saudi-Russian Relations (1)
- Saudi-Zionist Relations (2)
- Saudia (3896)
- Saudia War on syria (4)
- Saudia Amal (1)
- Saudization’ (1)
- Savak (3)
- Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi (22)
- Sayyed al-Houthi (2)
- Sayyed Fadlullah (21)
- Sayyid Qutb (1)
- Scholars of the Levant (3)
- SCO (131)
- Scotland (48)
- SDF (360)
- SDR (1)
- SDS (1)
- Sea of Oman (9)
- Second Amendment (3)
- sect violence (21)
- Sectarian Wars (126)
- sectarianism (658)
- sectarianism | Tagged: Al Azhar (1)
- sectarianism Deal of the Century (1)
- sectarianism Lebanon (1)
- Secularism (68)
- Security Coordination (27)
- Security Threats to America? (1)
- self-control (1)
- self-hating Jew (48)
- self-loving (32)
- Self-sufficient Islamic Republic (1)
- Sen. Rand Paul (2)
- Sephardic Jews (1)
- Serbia (36)
- Settlements and settlers (1865)
- Sex segregation (1)
- Sex Slavery (64)
- Sexual Abuse (73)
- Sexual harassment (5)
- Sexual revolution (2)
- Seymour Hersh (37)
- Shabak (3)
- Shah (9)
- Shah of Iran (18)
- Shahrour (1)
- shalit (216)
- Shalom (73)
- Shari’ah law (1)
- Sharmine Narwani (37)
- Sharon (51)
- shea (37)
- Shebaa Farms (76)
- Sheikh Ibrahim al-Zakzaky (4)
- Sheikh Imran Hosein (38)
- Sheikh Naim Qasem (17)
- Sheikh Raed Salah (39)
- Shi’ism (2)
- Shield of Qalamoun (1)
- Shin Bet (63)
- Shlomo (1)
- Shlomo Sand (7)
- Shoah (4)
- Shut down (17)
- Siege of Gaza (318)
- Siege on Gaza (1485)
- Siege on Yemen (440)
- Silk Road (82)
- Sinai (38)
- Siniora (122)
- sinn fein (2)
- Sino-Pak Relations (5)
- Sino-Russian relations (19)
- Skripal Case (13)
- Slavery (45)
- Slavery to a synthetic god (1)
- slideshow (2)
- Slovakia (1)
- SNC (146)
- Sochi Hoax (3)
- Sochi memorandum (3)
- Social Darwinist-style (1)
- Social distancing (1)
- Social media (84)
- Social Media | Tagged: Nasrallah the human being (1)
- Socialism (30)
- Socialist vanguard parties (1)
- Soft War (11)
- Soleimani: The ‘Muslim Guevara’ (2)
- Solidarity (235)
- Somalia (41)
- Sonja Karkar (3)
- Soros (178)
- South Africa (109)
- South America (3)
- South Front (13)
- South Korea (15)
- South Ossetia (1)
- South Ossetia and Abkhazia (9)
- South Sudan (10)
- South Yemen (22)
- South-East Asia (28)
- Southeast Asia. (6)
- Soviet (1)
- Soviet Union (228)
- Spain (59)
- Speaker Nancy Pelosi (1)
- Spider's home (3)
- Spiegel (28)
- Splinting the Orthodox world (5)
- Spying (234)
- Sri Lanka (8)
- Sri Lanka Terror Attacks (8)
- SSNP (43)
- Starvation (4)
- State and Religion (3)
- State Security (2)
- State sovereignty (21)
- State terrorism (16)
- State Terrorism in Bahrain (2)
- Stephen Lendman (720)
- Stephen Maher (5)
- Steve Bannon (2)
- Stockholm syndrome (1)
- Stop the wall (91)
- Strait of Gibraltar (16)
- Strait of Hormuz (61)
- Strait of malacca (7)
- Strike On Aramco (45)
- Strikes on Saudi Oil Fields (15)
- sts (1)
- Stuart Littlewood (180)
- Su-35S (1)
- Sudan (121)
- Sudanese mercenaries (5)
- Suez Canal (18)
- Suleimani's Assassination (100)
- Suleimani’s Assassination (31)
- sunni (16)
- Sunni vs Shia lie (1)
- superiority disease. (12)
- Supremacism (407)
- Susan Abulhawa (10)
- Sweden (49)
- SWIFT a US Tool (10)
- Switzerland (26)
- Sykes-Picot (85)
- Syria (3865)
- Syria America’s Endless Wars (1)
- Syria AngloZionist Empire (1)
- Syria Assad (292)
- Syria fuel crisis (3)
- Syria Golan Heights (73)
- Syria Jebran Bassil (1)
- Syria National Dialogue (73)
- Syria reconciliation (211)
- Syria Reconstruction (47)
- Syria Unrest (229)
- Syria-Lebanon Relations (13)
- Syria-Russia Relations (1)
- Syria-Turkey Relations (3)
- Syria’s Jaafari (4)
- Syrian army (2647)
- Syrian mercenaries (49)
- Syrian Occupied Idli (2)
- Syrian Occupied Idlib (166)
- Syrian opposition (353)
- Syrian Refugees (27)
- Syrian Resistance (549)
- Syrian rockets (1)
- Syrian sovereignty (31)
- Syrian victory (38)
- Syriaو American Financial Hegemony (1)
- SyriaوCorruption (1)
- Tagged: Corona virus (1)
- Tahrir Square (64)
- Taif agreement (39)
- Taiwan (31)
- Taiwanm (2)
- Tajikistan (10)
- takf (1)
- takfiris (1532)
- Tal al-Za'tar (1)
- Taliban (269)
- Talmud (94)
- Talmud At Work (810)
- Tammam Salam (8)
- Tantawi (39)
- Tareq al-Hashemi (3)
- Targeted killings (44)
- Tax Dollars at Work (409)
- Tea Party (10)
- Telecommunication War (35)
- Terje Roed-Larsen (7)
- Terror Attack in Christchurch (1)
- Terrorism (35)
- Thailand (6)
- Thanksgiving Day (2)
- The 1945 Saudi-American marriage (3)
- The 5 Seas Region (69)
- The Afghanistan Papers (1)
- The Ahvaz Terror Attack (3)
- The American Dream (2)
- The American Empire (2)
- The Arab world (20)
- The Asian Century (1)
- The axis of defeated (88)
- The Axis of Resistance (5)
- The Baker-Hamilton Report (2)
- The battle between wars (24)
- The Betrayal of America (6)
- The Cure For Covid-19: Body's immune system (1)
- The Dead Two-State Solution (4)
- The Death of American World Order (1)
- The disintegrating myth of super Western hi-tech and bio-tech (1)
- The Economic War (1)
- The Emerging World Order (19)
- The End Game (18)
- The End of NWO (1)
- The End of the American Empire (10)
- The Enemy Within (748)
- The Essential Saker III (1)
- The Fake War on Terrorism (3)
- The Fall of MBS (1)
- The Fujairah bombings (9)
- The Great China (1)
- The Great Game (1)
- The Great Recession (8)
- The Idlib Offensive (18)
- The India-Israel Nexus (1)
- The Indian Infowar (1)
- The inequity of Capitalism (1)
- The Iskenderun Brigade (2)
- The Israeli Connection in South Asia (1)
- The Israeli Identity (2)
- The Jewish Question (3)
- The Kafr Qasem Massacre (1)
- The Khazarian Zionists (3)
- The London Bridge Attacks (2)
- The Migrant Crisis (2)
- The Mother of Martyrs (1)
- The New Middle East (4)
- The Only "Democracy" in ME (258)
- The Only “Democracy” in ME (1)
- The Post 9/11 Debate (1)
- The precision missiles (1)
- The precision rockets (13)
- The precision smart bombs (1)
- The Rohingya Children (2)
- The Saker (360)
- The Science of Annihilation (1)
- The sectarian system in Lebanon (5)
- The Skripal Affair (1)
- The Sochi/Idlib Agreement (16)
- The Split of the GCC (1)
- The state of no war and no understanding (1)
- The Theft of Iraqi and Syrian Oil (15)
- The Threat of Hindutva (2)
- The Truth about Idlib (1)
- The Truth about Thanksgiving (1)
- The Truth about White Helmets (3)
- The US and the Spread of Coronavirus (1)
- The US Midterms (3)
- The US-German Connection (1)
- The Valdai Club (8)
- The Wandering Who (285)
- The War on Afghanistan (3)
- The War on Gaza (938)
- The War on Iran (2)
- The War on Syria (2)
- The War on Yemen (10)
- The Zionist influence on American Politics (1)
- The Zionist Lobby (3)
- The Zionist Lobby in America (6)
- Theresa May (247)
- Thierry Meyssan (62)
- This is America (27)
- This is Zionism (2171)
- Thought Police (26)
- Tiger Forces (1)
- Tim King (9)
- Time's Person of the Year (1)
- Tiran and Sanafir (14)
- Today in Palestine (11)
- Today's News (4)
- Tony Blair (111)
- Tony Cartalucci (177)
- Torah (28)
- Torture (362)
- Trade in national currencies (1)
- Trade War (34)
- Traditional War (1)
- Traitor Amer Fakhoury (12)
- Traitors (5)
- Transfer (82)
- treason (204)
- Tribunal for Lebanon (551)
- Trigger for WW3 (1)
- Tripoli (27)
- Trotskyists (5)
- Truce (44)
- Trump (3688)
- Trump americ (1)
- Trump at UNGA (1)
- Trump Exposed (2)
- Trump Impeachment (21)
- Trump Is Stupid (1)
- Trump vs American Jews (1)
- Truth (88)
- Truth about CIA (1)
- Truth Bahrain 14th February revolution (1)
- Truth Leaks (2)
- Tu-160 in Venezuela (2)
- Tulsi Gabbard (35)
- Tulsi Gabbardton (1)
- Tunis (185)
- Turkey (3748)
- Turkey | Tagged: Aleppo (1)
- Turkey Erdogan Vs MBS (1)
- Turkey-Syria (2)
- Turkey’s opposition (1)
- TurkeyوLiberation of Idlib (1)
- Turki al-Sheikh (1)
- Turkification Nortth Syria (3)
- Turkish (5)
- Turkish Aggression (254)
- Turkish Empire (1)
- Turkish Lies (8)
- Turkish stream (1)
- TurkStream (2)
- Tutu (3)
- Twitter (17)
- Two States Solution (250)
- Tzipi Livni (76)
- U.S. Military Industrial Complex (2)
- U.S. Navy (17)
- UAE (769)
- UAR (6)
- Ugly America (1)
- Uighur Muslims (1)
- Uighurs (4)
- UK (1251)
- Ukraine (1192)
- Ukraine-Maidan (1)
- Ukrainian Diaspora (3)
- Ukrainian Diaspora nationalists (3)
- UN (887)
- UN American Empire (1)
- UN Charter (28)
- UN General Assembly (7)
- UN partition plan (8)
- UN Watch (3)
- Uncategorized (149)
- Uncategorized 9/11 Unmasked (1)
- underestimated currencies (1)
- UNDOF (3)
- UNESCO (73)
- UNGA (7)
- UNHCR (10)
- UNHRC (13)
- UNICEF (27)
- UNIFIL (126)
- Unipolar World Order (35)
- United Nations (2)
- universalism (2)
- Universe (3)
- UNRWA (123)
- UNSC (312)
- Updates (7)
- Uprooted Palestines (246)
- Uprooted Palestinians (533)
- Uprooted Syrians (102)
- US (11)
- US “Second Vietnam (2)
- US Aggression (3)
- US Agression (5)
- US and Human Rights (15)
- US Army in EU (1)
- US Blames China for COVID-19 (2)
- US Congress (2504)
- US Cyber Command (1)
- US Deffest (1)
- US Elections (5)
- US Financial War On Hezbollah (35)
- US Foreign Policy (4271)
- US Grand Strategy (1)
- US Hegemony (1)
- US Imperialism (1)
- US in Iraq (1)
- US Intervention in Venezuela (1)
- US Lies (381)
- US Mercenary Wars (1)
- US Midterms (5)
- US Military Industrial Complex (19)
- US Military Industrial Complex Coronavirus (1)
- US MSM (3)
- US Oil Robbery (29)
- US Patriot (2)
- US Politics (2)
- US presidential (1)
- US presidential elections (150)
- US Proxy (1)
- US Proxy War on Syria (13)
- US Pulling out of the INF Treaty (3)
- US Sanctions (1)
- US Sanctions on Iran (83)
- US Senate (4)
- US Strikes on Iraq (3)
- US Support for White Helmets (1)
- US terrorism and media Industries (1)
- US Total Blockade Against Venezuela (8)
- US Troops in Syria (1)
- US War on Afghanistan (6)
- US Withdrawal from Afghanistan (62)
- US Withdrawal from Iraq (70)
- US Withdrawal from Syria (33)
- US Withdrawal from Syria? (31)
- US Withdrawal from west Asia (76)
- US-Canada relations (1)
- US-India Relations (7)
- US-Iran (1)
- US-Iran Deal (1)
- US-Iran Relations (40)
- US-Israel Relations (31)
- US-Israel Relations Deal of the Century (1)
- US-Israel Relationship (10)
- US-justice (2)
- US-mercenaries (3)
- US-Republicans (37)
- US-Russia Relations (42)
- US-Saudi Relations (24)
- US-Taliban Peace Talks (1)
- US-Turkey-Israel “Triple Alliance" (5)
- US-Turkey-Israel “Triple Alliance” (1)
- USA (14373)
- USA | Tagged: America's War on Iran (1)
- USA | Tagged: AngloZionist Empire (1)
- USA | Tagged: Chemical Weapons (1)
- USA | Tagged: Israel-USA Relationship (1)
- USA Amal (1)
- USA America’s War on Iran (1)
- USA Attacks on Oil Tankers (1)
- USA Berri (1)
- USA Biden (1)
- USA CIA (1)
- USA Color Revolutions (1)
- USA Covid-19 and International conflicts (1)
- USA Creative Chaos (1)
- USA Demising (16)
- USA dysfunctional health care system (5)
- USA Future Movement (2)
- USA Global MSM (1)
- USA most subservient Israel’s colony (1)
- USA Rouhani (1)
- USA thuggery (1)
- USA. Khashoggi (1)
- USAو Pentagon (1)
- USAوAngloZionist Empire (1)
- USS Liberty (91)
- USSR (123)
- USSR Finian Cunningham (1)
- Uyghurs (15)
- Uzbekistan (7)
- Vanunu (20)
- Vatican (74)
- Venezuela (346)
- Venezuela (Syria Number2) (22)
- Venezuela-Cuba axis (13)
- Venezuela-Palestine axis (1)
- Vera Macht (5)
- victimhood (245)
- victimhood Birthright Citizenship (1)
- Videos (370)
- Vietnam (95)
- VietnammEconomic Terrorism (1)
- Violations (1)
- Violence Against Muslims in India (1)
- Vittorio Arrigoni (22)
- Wahabi Sex Jihad (61)
- wahabism (357)
- Wahabism At Work (964)
- Wahabism At Work MBS (1)
- Wahhabism (57)
- Wailing Wall (1)
- WAKE UP (1)
- Wall of Shame (122)
- Wall Street (60)
- Walls of Shame (24)
- WAR (99)
- War and Terror (429)
- War Crimes and Criminals (2445)
- War in the Middle East (1)
- War of October 1973 (7)
- War on (4)
- War on Afghanistan (97)
- War on Drugs (1)
- War on Gaza (1230)
- War on Iran (1007)
- War on Iran | Tagged: America's War on Iran (2)
- War on Iran | Tagged: Ansar Allah attack on Saudi pumping stations (1)
- War on Iran Financial war (1)
- War on Iran Iran Nuclear Program (1)
- War on Iran Rouhani (1)
- War on Iran Trump Regime Vs Iran (1)
- War on Iran و Arab 48 (1)
- War on Iranm Iranian Strikes On US Bases (1)
- War on Iranو Axis of Resistance (1)
- War on Iranو Corona virus (1)
- War on Iraq (1120)
- War on Iraq | Tagged: American intervention (1)
- War on Iraq Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis (1)
- War on Iraq Amr Mussa (1)
- War on Iraq Iraqi وHezbollah (1)
- War on Iraqو Adel Abdil Mahdi (1)
- War on Islam (38)
- War on Libya (5)
- War on Sy (1)
- War on syria (10752)
- War on Syria “illusion of freedom.” (1)
- War on Syria "Arab Spring" (1)
- War on Syria | Tagged: Aleppo (1)
- War on Syria | Tagged: American Aggression (1)
- War on Syria | Tagged: Creative Chaos (1)
- War on Syria | Tagged: Economic Terrorism (1)
- War on Syria | Tagged: Hama (2)
- War on Syria | Tagged: Liberation of Idlib (1)
- War on Syria | Tagged: SAA (1)
- War on Syria | Tagged: Tulsi Gabbard (1)
- War on Syria Aleppo (4)
- War on Syria America’s Dirty Wars (1)
- War on Syria Baghdadi (1)
- War on Syria East Euphrates (1)
- War on Syria Erdogan (1)
- War on Syria Mother of Resistance (1)
- War on Syria Pompeo (2)
- War on Syria US (1)
- War on Syria US Withdrawal from Syria (1)
- War on Syria وErdogan (1)
- War on Syria. American Aggression in Syria (1)
- War on SyriamAl-Qaeda (1)
- War on Syriaو (1)
- War on Syriaو Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis (1)
- War on Syriaو AngloZionist Empire (1)
- War on Syriaو Erdogan (1)
- War on SyriaوAmerican Aggression in Syria (1)
- War on SyriaوIOF (1)
- War on Syriaوland day (1)
- War on SyriaوNusra Front (1)
- War on Terror (22)
- War On The People (105)
- War on Yemen (1146)
- War War on Syria (1)
- Wars (3)
- Wars for Israe (8)
- Wars for Israel (4011)
- Wars for Israel A (1)
- Wars for Israel Economic siege (1)
- Wars for Israel Javad Zarif (1)
- Wars for Israel Pompeo (1)
- Wars for Israel Qassem Suleimani (1)
- Wars for Israel State (1)
- Warsaw Conference (19)
- Washington Post (6)
- Washington’s economic warfare on Syria (1)
- Washington’s Zionist Lobby (1)
- Water theft (103)
- Weathermen (1)
- Welfare (2)
- West (40)
- West and the War on Terror (1)
- West vs China (1)
- West’s false Y2K hysteria (1)
- Western Exceptionalism (10)
- Western Hegemony (61)
- Western Imperialism (48)
- Western Imperialismو Ethnic Cleansing (1)
- Western individualism (4)
- Western Lies (59)
- Western Propaganda (17)
- Western Zionists (29)
- WFP (2)
- What I threw when I threw (1)
- What Is A Sovereign Government? (5)
- What is Zionism (1)
- Where will ISIS go? (1)
- whistle blowers (2)
- White Americans (18)
- White Helmets (132)
- White Helmets. (1)
- White HelmetsUS Proxy War on Syria (1)
- White Nationalism (13)
- White Nationalist (2)
- White phosphorous (17)
- White Supremacy (18)
- WHO (61)
- WIII (1)
- Wiki-Gate (1)
- Wikileaks (283)
- Wikipedia (10)
- William A. Cook (45)
- William T. Hathaway (4)
- Wissam al Hassan (29)
- Withdrawal from west Asia (1)
- WMD (249)
- WMD Hoax (9)
- Wolfowitz Doctrine (2)
- Women’s rights (1)
- World Bank (32)
- World Community (10)
- World Council of Churches (1)
- World Cup (8)
- World Peace (42)
- World War C (6)
- WTO (5)
- WW3 (3)
- WWI (49)
- WWI and Palestine (1)
- WWI Propaganda (1)
- WWII (142)
- wwIII (147)
- Xi Jinping (99)
- Yahya Abu Zakariya (9)
- Yahya Sinwar (17)
- Yarmouk (76)
- Yazid (1)
- Yeltsin (12)
- Yemen (1584)
- Yemen | Tagged: Ameen Hutait (1)
- Yemen Axis of Resistance (1)
- Yemen Persian Gulf (1)
- Yemen Revolution (2)
- Yemeni Army and Popular Committees (101)
- Yemeni children (19)
- Yemeni Holocaust (61)
- Yemeni Resistance (71)
- YemenmAramco (1)
- YemenوAnsarullah (1)
- Yisrael Beiteinu party (2)
- Yom Kippur Syndrome (4)
- Youtube (42)
- Youtube.American Hypocracy (1)
- YPG (210)
- YPJ (24)
- Yugoslavia (38)
- Yvonne Ridley (5)
- Zabadani (5)
- Zakharova (22)
- Zealand mosques massacre (1)
- Zelensky (34)
- Ziad Nakhala (16)
- Zinab Al-Kubra (1)
- Zio-controlled media (760)
- Zionism (387)
- Zionism and Russian Media (1)
- Zionist Aggression (15)
- Zionist barbarism (30)
- Zionist blackmail (1)
- Zionist entity (7127)
- Zionist entity Avivim strike (1)
- Zionist Hegemony (3)
- Zionist Lobby (1272)
- Zionist Lobby Borris Johnson (1)
- Zionist Terrorism (4)
- Zionists (15)
- Zionized western countries (281)
- عربي (66)
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