His eminence continued: “Of course the doors are not closed in Egypt, and we are surely not going to let those brothers in prison. We will follow up this case even if a sentence was issued, and we’ll seek to resolve the matter as we did in the past, through legal and judicial channels...This case is no longer a judicial matter, so perhaps the only available exits are political ones.”
The Hezbollah leader concluded: “We will seek, through political and diplomatic channels to resolve this issue, establish our brothers’ rights, and not letting them in prison.”
A Cairo court on Wednesday handed down jail sentences against 26 men it convicted of plotting attacks against ships in the Suez Canal and on tourist sites, among other charges.
The defendants said in a hand-written letter obtained by AFP that they never planned attacks in Egypt. They said they had tried to help the Hamas movement during Israel's devastating December 2008-January 2009 offensive against the Palestinian territory.

28/04/2010 Egypt's State Security Court on Wednesday handed down sentences to 26 members of the so-called Hezbollah Cell that varied from six months to the maximum life term in jail.
The four defendants who remain on the run, including the alleged head of the so-called Hezbollah cell Lebanese national Mohammed Qabalan, received life sentences.
Sentencing by the state security court, a tribunal of exception set up under Egypt's three-decade-old state of emergency, was greeted by cries of "Allahu Akbar (God is Greater)" from the dock.
The 26 were convicted of plotting attacks against ships in the Suez Canal and tourist sites, among with other charges. They are two Lebanese, five Palestinians, one Sudanese and eighteen Egyptians. Most were detained between late 2008 and January 2009.
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah had said after the arrests were publicized in April that he sent a senior commander, identified by his code name Sami Shehab, to Egypt to support Palestinian fighters in the Gaza Strip. His eminence said the cell comprised no more than 10 people and denied they planned attacks in the country.
River to Sea
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