Monday 3 May 2010

Israel Lobby intensify Hasbara War on Islamic Republic

Rehmat's World 

May 3, 2010 ·

The other day, Canadian Foreign Minister, Lawrence Cannon, was very upset for Islamic Republic’s election to the Commission on the Status of Women at the United Nations Economic and Social Council. In his statement he stated: “The Canadian government will continue to promote freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law, and expect Iranian people to live with dignity and free from persecution”. One wonders, if the Harper government he represents – uphold those so-called ‘civilized society’s pillars’  when it comes to Canada’s largest Muslim minority?

It’s no secret how Ottawa avoided to help its Muslim citizens being tortured in foreign lands, such as, Ottawa engineer Maher Arar, teenage Omar Khadr still in US custody or ban on British MP George Galloway entry into Canada due to his pro-Palestinian activities or Quebec Bill 94 on Hijab ban or defamation of Swiss Orientalist Tariq Ramadan or Mosques being vandalised or the anti-Islam hate literature in mainstream press….. and the list goes on.

Despite the baseless allegations made by the Zionist-controlled Western governments about Islamic Republic’s human right record – Tehran was elected to four high-profile UN commissions, two working on human rights issues. The four commissions are; Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW), Human Settlement Program (UN-HABITAT), Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD) and the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII). Iran along with other ten elected members (Belgium, Congo, Estonia, Georgis, Jamaica, Liberia, Netherlands, Spain, Thailand and Zimbabwe) will help set United Nations policy on gender equality and the advancement of women’s rights.

Lawrence Cannon’s own meddling in Canada’s leading international human right agency, the Montreal-based Rights and Democracy, (watch a video at the bottom) whose 45 out of 47 staffers had demanded the firing of the Harper-appointed chair of the board, Aurel Braun, plus his vice-chair and one of the directors. Professor Aurel Braun (University of Toronto) is a legal counsel for the Jewish organization B’nai Brith, who replaced Remy Beauregard after his death. Beauregard was involved in several ‘uncivilized’ activities, such as, 10,000 dollar grant he gave each to B”T-selem, Israel’s leading human rights group and its partner agency in the West Bank, Al Haq, as well as Al Mezan in Gazzah. All three have criticized both Israeli and Palestinian Authority for human rights violations. Beauregard also happened to attend a 2008 Arab League meeting in Cairo on freedom of association. Braun did not like any of those.

Pro-Israel Stephen Harper government stopped funding the Canadian Arab Federation because its leaders criticized Immigration Minister Jason Kenny’s public support for Israel’s invasion of Gazzah. It also stopped funding KAIROS, an internationally known  Christian human rights organization, for its relief work in Gazzah. Jason Kenny cited the defunding of KAIROS as his government’s fight against ‘anti-Semitism’ at Global Forum to Counter Anti-Semitism in Jerusalem.

Since 1979 Islamic Revolution, the Iranian women have benefited more than men in marriage, social, political and education sectors than in any western country. For example, before 1979 – literacy rate among women was 17% as compared to 39% among men. By 2004 the literacy rate had increased to 94 percent for women and 96 percent for men; 62 percent of university students were women. Infant mortality dropped from 131.2 per thousand in 1975 to 25.5 per thousand in 1999. Life expectancy at birth has increased from 49 for men and women in 1960 to 70 for men and 72 for women. Contraceptive usage levels have risen to 74 percent, and the number of patients with AIDS and HIV positive is the lowest in the region.

World Jewish Congress (WJC) president Ronald S. Lauder has called for the United Nations delegates to demonstrate their outrage against the presence of Iranian president Dr. Ahmadinejad at the NPT Review Conference: “The United Nations cannot continue to countenance the appearance and participation of an abusive regime bent on the acquisition of nuclear capability. The intentions of its use by Iran have been clearly enunciated time and again by its president, a denier of the Holocaust who repeatedly threatens the United States and Europe, and who continuously issues menacing threats to wipe Israel off the map. A country that supports terrorist activity worldwide and intimidates its own people with egregious human rights violations should not be given a platform by the organization that is the repository of international human rights,”

In June 2009 – Isobel Coleman, pointed out in her interview with Jewish think tank CFR: “the death of Neda Agha Soltan has already become a part of Iranian hagiography”. But such lies are expected from the so-called “experts” embeded with the Zionist lobby groups. A rational mind on the other hand would like to know – why Neda’s wounded body was displayed in the street by the protesters to be videoed – instead of being rushed to some nearest clinc? Why the video ended up with pro-Shah Iranian contact in Netherlands, BBC and VOA? It do point fingers toward CIA-MOSSAD behind the shooting.

It is misleading and ignorance to treat the Iranian state as a ‘theocratic state dominated by medieval mullahs’. Taking into consideration the rise of Islamophobia in global politics, this position is also racist. Iran is a capitalist Islamic state but guided by Islamic Shari’ah in many fields.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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