by Joshua Blakeney
I also went to interview these pro-government Syrians at an undisclosed location and was thoroughly moved by their compelling testimony. These Syrian sovereigntists contend that there are reactionary terrorists destabilizing their country at the behest of the US, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Israel. These, often non-Syrian, terrorists are being characterized as “human rights activists” by the mainstream media in the West because Israel and its stooges in the US government benefit from a terrorized, factionalized Syria. These Syrians are thus grateful that their government led by President Assad is using the military to weed out the insurgents who are, literally, killing their family members and destroying their nation. They legitimately fear their country degenerating into civil war and internal sectarianism.
All of those I interviewed emphasized the fissiparious nature of Syria, with it’s eighteen different ethnic groups that are unified by the current government led by the largely secular President Assad. Of course, a comparatively secular government that unites disparate ethnic groups and stands up to the Zionist colonizer, that has illegally occupied the Golan Heights since 1967, is anathema to imperialist interventionists.
It appears that many leftist activists who’ve been supporting the reactionaries who are destabilizing Syria have a kind of nihilistic philosophy that “anything is better than the status quo.” They support the reactionaries who are jeopardizing Syrian sovereignty premised on their belief that anything is better than an Arab strongman. Zionist liberals have encouraged us to blame Israel’s enemies for the strife in the Middle East rather than blame the most egregious threat to Middle East peace and stability, namely Israel. Leftists fear being called “anti-Semitic” and so refrain from identifying the imperialist agenda of an ethnic-nationalist apartheid state and instead direct their wroth at one of that state’s last remaining nemeses, President Assad.
Joshua Blakeney Discusses 9/11 and the Plan to Balkanize the Middle East at the University of Victoria
During the Cold War anybody who opposed the Communist camp was supported by the US government and its allies even when those people were right-wing, capitalist restorationists or white pro-apartheid forces that would make things worse for the inhabitants of communist nations. Many left-anti communists threw their hat in with aristocrats like Vaclav Havel who sought to implement a regime of privatization on nations that had made several strides to move beyond capitalism to a more humane social order. Likewise today Western governments and their liberal apologists are supporting whichever elements, no matter how reactionary, that oppose the only leaders who offer obstacles to US-Israeli imperialism. And as was the case with left-anti-Communists in the Cold War, left-Zionists are promoting an agenda that will worsen the lot of the ordinary worker in the beleaguered nations.
Many on the left would rightly support Hugo Chavez using his military to restore Venezuelan sovereignty in the event that agents of imperialism were destabilizing Venezuela; why apply a different standard to the Assad government which is using its military to restore peace and order to the working class neighbourhoods that are infested with Mossad and CIA sponsored patsies? Who is selling out the working class Syrian and who is really concerned about their betterment? It would appear that many liberals and Starbucks-sipping revolutionaries have been fooled, yet again, into supporting an imperialist subvention that will potentially lead to the slaughter of millions of Syrians.
In his infamous essay Oded Yinon argued that Israel ought to foment sectarianism in the Middle East so as to weaken all potential opponents of Israeli Empire |
“The Western front, which on the surface appears more problematic, is in fact less complicated than the Eastern front, in which most of the events that make the headlines have been taking place recently. Lebanon’s total dissolution into five provinces serves as a precendent for the entire Arab world including Egypt, Syria, Iraq and the Arabian peninsula and is already following that track. The dissolution of Syria and Iraq later on into ethnically or religiously unqiue areas such as in Lebanon, is Israel’s primary target on the Eastern front in the long run, while the dissolution of the military power of those states serves as the primary short term target. Syria will fall apart, in accordance with its ethnic and religious structure, into several states such as in present day Lebanon, so that there will be a Shi’ite Alawi state along its coast, a Sunni state in the Aleppo area, another Sunni state in Damascus hostile to its northern neighbor, and the Druzes who will set up a state, maybe even in our Golan, and certainly in the Hauran and in northern Jordan. This state of affairs will be the guarantee for peace and security in the area in the long run, and that aim is already within our reach today.”
Jonathan Cook has written a whole book on the subject of Middle East balkanization which is aptly entitled Israel and the Clash of Civilizations: Iraq, Iran and the Plan to Remake the Middle East. Stephen Sneigoski likewise documents the Israeli plan to balkanize the Middle East in his book. Sneigoski states on page 50 of his Transparent Cabal: “With Likud’s assumption of power, the most far-reaching militant proposals entered mainstream Zionist thinking, involving militant destabilization of Israel’s neighbours and Palestinian expulsion.”
Having lapped up the moving testimony of the pro-Assad Syrians in Calgary I sought out a new star of the internet, who has adopted the moniker “Syrian Girl”, to hear her analysis of the strife in Syria. Syrian Girl defies so many stereotypes that have been constructed to dehumanize Arabs, Persians, Syrians and many other groups in the Middle East. This dehumanization process is a necessary prerequisite for the premeditated Zionist genocide in the Middle East.
With the precision of a brain surgeon, Syrian Girl, who I am calling the “Flower of Syria”, unpicks the lies and myths which have been propagated by the neocon lie machine. Her analysis is both incisive and inspiring and helps to demystify the Syrian conflict which in turn helps to counter a nefarious Zionist policy that jeopardizes the lives of millions of her fellow countrymen. Syrian Girl is a true philosopher of the struggle for decolonization cut from the same cloth as Frantz Fanon, Nelson Mandela, Patrice Lumumba and Che Guevara. I think we should recognize that Syrian Girl and her fellow Syrian patriots in Calgary are being very courageous by speaking out against the Western-backed sabotage and subterfuge that is taking place in Syria. It is time that left wing activists confront the realities of power and look beyond the liberal window dressing which imperialists decorate their colonial intrigue with.
There was a day when empires cloaked their iniquitous subventions with the moralism of “christianizing the natives”. “Civilizing the natives” was a claim that went hand in hand with the rise of racist social darwinism from which the ideology of Zionism emerged. The emerging Israeli empire and it’s US adjunct slyly and adeptly convinces liberals to support genocide and civil war in the name of “democratization”. “Democratization” is the moral justification for imperialism du jour.
It is quite obvious that the Israeli government hopes the inhabitants of the Middle East will kill each other off sufficiently for Israel to erect a formal empire in the Middle East. Syria is a perfect patchwork of ethnic groups for this divide and rule policy to be prosecuted. Just imagine the false-flags the Mossad are cooking up to build upon those they’ve already been accused of conducting in Egypt’s Coptic churches.
The three part You Tube series of Syrian Girl and I speaking can be seen below.
Syrian Girl and Joshua Blakeney Discuss Imperialism in the Middle East & 9/11 (part two)
Syrian Girl and Joshua Blakeney Discuss Imperialism in the Middle East & 9/11 (part three)
River to Sea
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