"More than 60 years of protests and of petitions have not changed anything on the ground for the Palestinian people." She claimed "As a Muslim I convinced that the situation in the Middle East will change only when the Muslims and particularly the Arabs decide they want to take action. When the Arabs and Muslims reach this point then as we have seen with the Arab Spring even the most vile and oppressive leaders and regimes can be toppled." she added.
Laura is talking about Muslims and particularly Arabs, most likely she meant Arab Muslims, and unless she changed her mind she is taking about Arab Muslim brother, because, her Shaikh told her "Success will never come from deviant sect like the Shia" (click the link and read my coment on that), In other words success will never come from Alawis in Syria, Shia in Iran and Lebanon, the Axis if resistance.
For Laura, like all Islamists, "Islam is the only solution"
"When the Arabs and Muslims reach this point then as we have seen with the Arab Spring even the most vile and oppressive leaders and regimes can be toppled." she claimed.
Which regimes Laura?
Most likely, Laura is talking about Egypt and Tunis, where her brothers hijacked the half-revolution, and reached a conclusion: to govern we should respect the international agreements (Camp david), and Tunis constitution, where Israel is not an enemy. She meant also her Nato brothers in Libya, caught yesterday off Lebanese shores Smuggling Weapons to Syria, the Muslim land occupied by deviant sect.
Finally I agree with Laura, Islam is is the only solution, but in a country like Iran, in a country, like Lebanon and Syria, even in Egypt, Islam (I mean Colorblind islamist's ISLAM) is the problem.
Resistance, starting with protest outside the Israeli embassy or Downing Street, all forms of popular resistance ending with armed resistance is the only solution. Zoom out of your dark veil. Its not black or white.
We should be standing up as
by Laura Stuart
Saturday, April 28th, 2012
"Islam the only solution" |
Definitely it is time that Palestinians and Muslims in the U.K. lost their fear of retribution from the Israeli controlled British Government and stopped hiding behind left wing organisations that claim to be against apartheid but appear to follow a very similar agenda to the Zionists by oppressing free speech. Such organisations as P.S.C. are part of the system of the oppressors and operate with the same methodology. We should be standing up as Muslims and believe that we can make a difference if we organise and unite.
If any Muslim really believes that the solution is going to come from a political or legal resolution then they must have had their heads buried in the sand to events of the last 60+ years. There is no solution coming from Cameron or Obama just as there was no solution from all the previous Prime Ministers or Presidents and with 80% of the Conservative M.P.s being members of Conservative Friends of Israel we should not be surprised.
River to Sea
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