Sunday 3 October 2010

Israeli Army Forces 9-Year Old to Open Suspicious Bags

03/10/2010 Two occupation soldiers from the Givati unit were convicted Sunday morning of commanding a 9-year old Palestinian boy to open suspicious bags during Operation Cast Lead in Gaza. They had been charged with overstepping authority and conduct unbecoming.

Parents and friends of the two showed up in court wearing shirts that said: We are all Goldstone's victims.
The soldiers were convicted of ordering the boy to open a number of suitcases and bags that were found in a building located in the neighborhood of Tel al-Hawa, which they suspected may contain explosives.

Before the trial, which took place behind closed doors, the combat soldiers said they felt betrayed by their commanders, who they say sent them on a highly dangerous mission and then rewarded them with an indictment.

During the trial, the soldiers' lawyer said the case reeked of the will to please the international community, which heaped criticism on Israel regarding the operation.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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