By Exilem
In the Historical perspective, Zionism is not exceptional or unique. It is rather a bastard ad-mixture of every ideological garbage peddled in the 19th and early 20th Century, augmented by contemporaneous technology that enabled them to reach unprecedented level of gory psychopathic facts on he ground. With that exception, I agree entirely with Gilad Atzmon in his article, especially his conclusion.

Abandoning Zionism will not liberate Palestine from the oppressor, and not bring Peace to the Middle East neither
Many call for the end of Zionism. But that will not solve anything.
The problem is one of avoidance and omission.
It is because we are viscerally opposed to racism, just like most Muslims are too, that we stress the wrong note, vehemently avoid and omit the central point.
This mechanism has been designed to deflect from the core of the issue, henceforth disabling us from fighting it with any prospect of success.
The designers of the adroit mechanism are Jewish occupiers of Palestine aka Jewish Israelis, together with Jewish supporters in the USA and elsewhere, as well as ubiquitous international Judeo-centric networks supportive of the Jewish occupiers and its genocidal criminal Army, together with Jewish banksters and Jewish political infiltrators, the Jewish lobby-mafia, the Jewish ADL and all their deleterious declinations who have downgraded the Law and its Courts into a masquerade, and on and on and on....
So what is it, that links them together ?
And moreover, under what pretext do they fraudulently claim foreign land ?
I guess you know the answer: They make the lunatic claim that Jews are a distinct race, and what is more, “chosen by God”, who probably for good measure also “gave” them the land of Palestine.…(those who introduced this lunacy should have been locked down in a mental institution, for treatment)
The sad but axiomatic reality is that most Jews whether religious or "secular Jews" (the latter is an oxymoron, of course) have been indoctrinated with nauseating beliefs which are not strictly Zionist at the core, but foremost exclusionary, supremacist, and racist. Escaping scrutiny, Jewish communities also escaped admonishment for these beliefs, which therefore became the pervasive core animus within too many Jewish communities, which has its most visible expression in the Jewish state.
Zionism on the other hand is like any other ideology, it looses momentum with time and is abandoned when expedient, or shelved. That this is the imminent fate of Zionism is a matter of quasi-consensus, especially since it has already fulfilled its function, namely the creation of a Jewish state.

But will the abandonment of the catch-word "Zionism" change anything inside the hearts and minds of the Jewish Israelis and their Jewish supporters ?
No, of course not. Simply because the underlying exclusionary, racist and supremacist core beliefs will continue unabated, perhaps with some cosmetic make-up at the beginning. Soon to be ex-zionists will become crypto-zionists. Tweedledee and Tweedledum.
Anyone who fails to call for the strict and unconditional Liberation of Palestine, is actually a facilitator of this crazed pseudo-spiritual beliefs, thus a facilitator of the perpetuation of Jewish state, whether consciously or not.
I assume no one is naive as to believe the Israeli Jews would voluntarily return the occupied land and houses to the legitimate Palestinian owners, nor will they abandon their ill-acquired sickening privileges, obscene weaponry and demented mentality.
Keep in mind that the primary allegiance of Jews with either Israeli double-citizenship or who support “Israel”, is irrefutably with “Jewish Israel”, i.e. NOT with the country from where they operate. As such they clearly act as a fifth column of foreign agents; they are ruthless traitors. This is particularly evident in the USA and the UK, where the hijacking of governments and parliaments have made these countries vassal to Jewish-Israeli interests, driven to engage into genocidal wars, thrust into financial and moral bankruptcy.
What animates them to act in this way runs deeper than the disposable word "Zionism", again, it is exclusionary racism and supremacy.
With regard to religious Jews you have to look at Orthodox Rabbinical texts, where you will be warned that Jews are “chosen by God” thus very different from non-jews. According to these lunatics, we Goyims (=non-Jews) are merely cattle, without soul, and we are on this earth only "to serve the Jews", at best. They teach the gullible Jewish youths that they are a “nation of priests” with a special mission, to be “light unto the nations”, which translates as entitlement to leadership of mankind.
As for the publications and declarations of the “secular Jews” they bombard you with the notion they would be more intelligent, equipped with higher IQ, natural born leaders, and all that sort of pathologically narcissistic nonsense... in order to justify the same superiority and entitlement to leadership. Self-declared “Jews against Zionism” all too often exhibit identical inclinations, as they capture control over dissidence and resistance movements, in order to restrict its action within a spectrum innocuous to “Israeli Jews”, whom they believe have the “right” to live in “peace and dignity”, regardless how preposterous this statement is in light of the crimes committed continuously since about 100 years in Palestine, by the active participation of all Jewish-Israelis.
Whether religious or secular, whether Zionist or anti-Zionist, again, it is Tweedeldee and Tweedum, because the corrupt racist, supremacist ideological core will NOT suddenly disappear with the abandonment of Zionism.
Where does this nefarious lunacy originate ?
Talmudic Rabbinical Judaism.
Talmudic Rabbinical Judaism and its nationalistic and secular expression, Zionism, have succeeded in wiping out the beauty Judaism may have contained in its origins, and has succeeded in brainwashing most Jews to act like psychopaths, in prehistoric, primitive and tribal manner.
We must imperatively revoke the prohibition to scrutinize and discuss the fake spirituality and facts that have enabled Talmudic Rabbinical Judaism to have such dangerous, genocidal, racist political implications.
Basically, the central issue is to scrutinize and to confront less the moribund Zionism than the inherently supremacist ideology which generated Zionism, and which will continue after Zionism's demise, because this crazed ideology has invaded to a great degree the minds of most people who define themselves as ... Jews.
Ironic that at a time when another group of people, of another faith namely Muslims, is under acute danger of becoming victim of a genocide of unprecedented magnitude, as a result of constant and unfounded hate-mongering against them, it is perfectly politically correct to criticize the “Muslims” but it has been made socially (and legally!!) unacceptable to even mention the word Jews.
Would we look outside the boundaries set by the nefarious Judeo-centric networks, it would rapidly become self-evident that the destruction of Palestine, the destruction of the USA, the destruction of Prosperity and Peace, the falsification of History and the corruption of our Civilizations' Founding Principles, are the result of the same gory ideology which is the driving force of the Judeo-centric networks.
When crimes are committed, the science of Criminal Investigation needs to be applied.
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