Local Editor
Wednesday 15-06-2011
Hundreds of thousands of Syrian people gathered on the Mazzeh highway Wednesday raising the biggest Syrian flag that reached 2,300 meters long.
This comes in response to a campaign launched by Syrian youth that aimed at revealing their deep national belonging and their rejection to foreign interference in the internal Syrian affairs.
Crowds started marching since the morning towards the Mazzeh highway in Damascus to take part in raising the biggest Syrian flag campaign. They released balloons in the colors of the Syrian flags, chanted, and cheered calling for national unity and Syria’s independent national decision.
Associations and assemblies in the private sector took part in the demonstration that was called for by young activists over the internet and will be taking off from the Mazzeh highway to Umayyad Square.
In parallel, the campaign’s Media official Rabih Daibeh told the Syrian Official News Agency SANA that the campaign started by chanting the Syrian national rhythm, and observing a minute of silence in honor to the civil and army martyrs.
He added that “this action is in the name of the Syrian people from all sects, and is an expression of the national unity and the rejection of foreign intervention in Syria's affairs.

IDLEB- A new mass grave containing bodies belonging to police and security forces who were killed by armed terrorist groups was found in Jisr al-Shughour, SANA Correspondent in Idleb said.
The correspondent added that thousands of Jisr al-Shughour inhabitants returned to their houses after the army restored security and tranquility to the city...
Wounded Army and Security Members: We were Targeted with Various Types of Weapons, Children Used as Human Shields
Jun 15, 2011
ALEPPO, HOMS, (SANA) _ A number of the wounded army and security forces members, who are being treated at Aleppo Military Hospital after they were targeted by the members of the terrorist armed groups in Jisr al-Shughour, stressed that the armed groups attacked them with the most sophisticated types of weapons and snipers.
They indicated that the members of the armed groups lured the children who are less than fifteen years old and used them as human shields as they know that the army members will not open fire on the children while the gunmen were shooting at the army.
The injured indicated that the armed groups set fire to the crops, and targeted the security members with their snipers, stressing their determination to thwart the conspiracy hatched against Syria which will be foiled through the national unity and the awareness of the Syria people.
Visiting the injured, Aleppo Governor, Ali Ahmad Mansoura, said that Syria will overcome the crisis due to the awareness of its people and their national unity as they believe that what is taking place in Syria is a conspiracy targeting its national and pan-Arab stances.
For their part, the martyrs' relatives expressed pride in their son's martyrdom, affirming determination to sacrifice everything for the sake of their motherland.
In the same context, a number of Homs lawyers visited the wounded members of the army in Homs Military Hospital and presented flowers to them, wishing them quick recovery.
The lawyers strongly condemned the crimes perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups against the civilians and the members of the army and security forces.
Chairman of Lawyers Syndicate, Homs Branch, Suleiman Radwan, said that whoever attacks the members of the Army and security forces and commits the most obnoxious crimes against the motherland and its people and economy is connected to suspicious foreign projects.
He affirmed that the Syrian lawyers seek to file lawsuits against the channels of sedition and instigation.
R. al-Jazaeri/ al-Ibrahim
Cabinet Calls on Citizens of Jisr al-Shughour to Come back Home
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