After reading what you have written about Greta Berlin, one of the leading activists in the struggle for justice in Palestine and the Free Gaza Movement, in particular, you obviously did not learn any lesson from your earlier scurrilous denunciation of Gilad Atzmon.
But who in hell (because we have to look everywhere for the source and that's the most obvious place to start) commissioned you to be the decider of who is and who isn't a part of this movement and the judge on high of his or her activities?
While you remain silent, I must note, about those in the movement in leadership positions who dismiss or minimize the face of the enemy in this country, namely the American Zionist Jewish Establishment, and who deny its control over Congress and ignore its stable of syndicated columnists and propaganda ministries parading as "think tanks" that dominate the Washington beltway. I have to assume that you agree with them.
For quite some time, Ali, the Electronic Intifada put out good information, (except about The Lobby) but it seems its success has gone to your head and allowed you to think you are some kind of an oracle. I would advise you to cut it out before your last name becomes an unbecoming verb. (as in, "Did you hear? So and so has been Abunimahed?")
Jeff Blankfort
River to Sea
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!
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