Tunisian man explains why he has left Syria after joining the "jihad".
There is a new report by a Tunisian TV station “National TV 1” about a 29-yer old guy who travelled to Syria in order to join the “jihad” against the secular Syrian leadership. This new report by the Tunisian TV station is not very long but the information is, at least, not only interesting but also important.
The interview that was carried out by the Tunisian channel with this 29-year old Tunisian man makes it clear that all that glistens about the so-called “democratic uprising” in Syria is not gold and that there is a huge misinformation taking place by Western media.
The Tunisian man travelled to Syria in order to fight alongside the foreign-backed “Free Syrian Army” (FSA) against the Syrian government and the Syrian Arab army and to join the so-called “jihad” in Syria.
In this interview, this Tunisian guy explains why he stayed in Syria for a bit over a month and took part in this fight before he has decided to go back to Tunisia instead of staying in Syria to continue the “jihad”.
Of course, this is not the first Tunisian guy who travelled to Syria to join the “jihad” and to fight alongside the Western-backed “Free Syrian Army” (FSA). In addition, Lebanese, Jordanians, Libyans and even Palestinians and Australians have already travelled to Syria to join this fight and to “kill the infidels” like some minorities in this country; among them is also the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad who is Alawi (Alawite).
The guy who has been interviewed by this Tunisian TV station (National TV 1) is just one of the young Tunisian people who were sent to Syria by their imams (clerics) and are willing to join the “jihad” in this country due to the wilfully misinformation by those, probably radical, clerics.
Furthermore, these clerics have a really wrong image of Islam they allegedly represent and they even have not understood the real meaning of “jihad” and how to preach a good religion instead of a false, radical and even violent indoctrination.
This former “jihadist” in Syria, who only stayed there for a month and then went back to his home country Tunisia, explained in this interview why he has decided to return to his home.
The Tunisian man also stated in this interview that while his stay and fight in Syria, there was no medical treatment for any of the foreign “Jihadists”, which means that any injury could end up in death for these fighters.
Although it is known that some of these armed militias receive medical treatment in camps (“refugee camps”) in Turkey, it is also certain that a lot of these fighters do not receive such a medical treatment if they get injured in the fight against the Syrian Arab army.
Of course, as it is already known, the former Tunisian jihadists in Syria also acknowledged that these gunmen and “Jihadists” (“Jihadis”) are just used as cannon fodder by foreign powers in order to fight a war by proxy in Syria.
Finally, this interview that was carried out by the Tunisian TV station “National TV 1” corroborates some of the statements of other eyewitness accounts that accuse the so-called “Free Syrian Army” of committing misanthropic massacres in order to frame the Syrian Arab army and to convince others to join their “jihad” in Syria.
In addition, these false-flag massacres are a good tool for the propaganda by the Western mainstream media and news agency and it is also clear that the so-called humanitarian organisations such as amnesty international (AI) and Human Rights Watch (HRW) are also just a tool for the policy of some specific governments.
The Tunisian guy says now that the way he was presented by “National TV 1” was not correct. On “Nessma TV”, the Tunisian man states now that he did not fight alongside the foreign-backed “Free Syrian Army” (FSA) in Syria and that he never would fight together with them.
More information (Arabic):
Libyan fighter: I left the battlefield in Syria because of the burning sell and selling of corpses
وأشار الصحفي بوعود إلى أن طرق الخروج تتم بواسطة شركة طيران موجودة في شارع بورقيبة وتقلهم مباشرة إلى لبنان أو اسطنبول، وهناك من يذهبوا للتدريب في منطقة خدامس البعيدة حوالي 70 كم عن الحدود التونسية ومن بعدها ينتقلوا لمدينة الزاوية وهناك ينتظرهم شخص معروف باسم إبراهيم السويعي يدربهم لمدة عشرين يوم ثم ينقلهم للبريقة وهناك يأتيهم حكيم بالحاج المعروف بصداقته الوثيقة للحكومة التونسية، ويقدم لهم رزم الدولارات ليصبحوا مجاهدين ويصيحون بالله أكبر، ومن ثم يتم نقلهم من ميناء البريقة باتجاه اسطنبول.
وهنا تسأل الصحفي بوعود كيف يمكن للحكومة التركية التي تحترم نفسها أن تقوم بتسهيل عبور الإرهابيين عبر أراضيها إلى دول الجوار، حيث لا تسمح الحكومة التركية لأي إرهابي تونسي أو ليبي بان يبقى على أراضيها يوم واحد وعلى الفور بعد وصوله إلى أرض المطار ترسله إلى المدن الحدودية الثلاثة مع سوريا وهي أنطاكية وأضنة ومرسين، وعلى الحدود ينتظرهم شخصين سوريين الأول يسمى الحاج إبراهيم والثاني بأبو أحمد وينقلوهم لداخل الأراضي السورية.
والمعروف عن الإرهابي أبو أحمد السوري بأنه مطلوب لكل مخابرات العالم وهو ينقل 3 أفواج من المقاتلين ويسلمهم لميليشيا “الجيش الحر” أو للمناطق المسيطر عليها من قبل “جبهة النصرة”، ويقوم بتسليم الفوج الرابع من المقاتلين إلى المخابرات السورية.
وأكد الصحفي التونسي بأن ليبيا وتونس تعتبر الخزان البشري لتنظيم القاعدة وهناك دول أخرى تساهم بالأموال والمعلومات.
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